
### 活血化瘀

### 止血


### 消肿止痛

### 补虚强壮

### 抗炎、抗氧化



### 治疗心血管疾病

### 美容功效

### 注意事项
1. 孕妇慎用。
2. 三七质地坚韧,一般不入煎剂,可打成粉剂使用。
3. 如有不适,请及时就医。




1. **预防缓解高血压**:香蕉花味甘性凉,具有清热解毒、平肝止血的作用。它能净化血液,促进血液循环,同时补充丰富的微量元素钾,有助于预防高血压,对维持血压正常有积极作用。

2. **美容养颜**:香蕉花中含有挥发油、芳香类物质以及多种氨基酸和维生素。食用香蕉花能滋养肌肤,加快皮肤细胞中毒素代谢,增加皮肤弹性,提高皮肤光泽,使皮肤保持年轻健康的状态。

3. **利尿消肿减肥瘦身**:香蕉花具有利尿消肿的作用,能促进体内尿液生成和排出,帮助体内毒素随尿液排出体外。此外,香蕉花能加快新陈代谢,抑制脂肪吸收,有助于减肥瘦身,预防身体肥胖。


4. **治疗高血压**:根据《日华子本草》的记载,香蕉花可以治疗高血压病及防治中风,性味甘淡凉,能清热、平肝、止血。

5. **养肤养颜**:香蕉花具有活血调经、养肤养颜、安神减压、纤身美体、保健强身和祛病延年的功效。经常饮用香蕉花茶,可以使皮肤细嫩红润、光洁亮丽。

6. **利尿**:香蕉花含有利尿成分,能促进体内毒素的排出,提高新陈代谢。


7. **减肥**:香蕉花富含维生素和纤维素,具有通便、降脂、减肥等作用。



1. **抗菌消炎**:红霉素药膏的主要成分红霉素属于大环内酯类抗生素,能够抑制细菌蛋白质的合成,对革兰氏阳性菌和沙眼衣原体有较强的抗菌作用。

2. **治疗皮肤感染**:适用于治疗多种皮肤感染性疾病,如毛囊炎、疖肿、脓疱疮、化脓性皮肤病及溃疡面的感染等。


3. **轻微创伤**:对于轻微的皮肤挫伤、划伤或其他创伤,使用红霉素药膏可以帮助伤口消毒并促进愈合。

4. **轻度烧烫伤**:小面积的烧伤、烫伤在经过冷水冲洗后,涂抹红霉素药膏可以帮助减轻疼痛和促进伤口恢复。

5. **蚊虫叮咬**:蚊虫叮咬后,使用红霉素药膏可以减轻瘙痒和炎症。

6. **干燥性皮损**:由于含有凡士林等滋润成分,对于皮肤干燥、干裂等情况也有一定的缓解和治疗作用,如神经性皮炎、慢性湿疹等。

7. **注意事项**:
– **不宜使用的情况**:红霉素药膏不适用于鼻出血、尿路感染、真菌感染等情况,敏感部位如眼睛、口鼻黏膜等也不宜使用。
– **过敏体质**:对于过敏体质的人群,使用红霉素药膏后如出现皮肤发痒、干燥和灼烧感等不适,应立即停药并清洗局部药物。
– **大面积烧伤和外伤**:大面积烧伤和外伤者禁用红霉素药膏。
– **避免长期使用**:由于红霉素药膏是抗生素,因此不建议长时间使用,以免产生抗药性或引起其他副作用。



1. **高营养价值**:人参菜含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、钙元素、粗纤维、维生素C、糖、氨基酸、铁元素、锌元素等营养成分。这些成分对人体健康具有重要作用,有助于增强体质和提高免疫力。

2. **增强免疫力**:人参菜中的多种活性成分,如人参皂苷、人参多糖、人参酸等,具有抗氧化、抗炎、抗肿瘤、免疫调节等多种生物活性。研究表明,人参菜可以提高机体的免疫力,增强抗病力。

3. **辅助治疗多种病症**:人参菜具有药用价值,可以辅助治疗脾虚泄泻、气虚乏力、体虚自汗、乳汁稀少、肺燥咳嗽等病症。具有补益脾肺、润肺生津的功效。

4. **保健作用**:人参菜中的营养成分有助于改善睡眠质量,调节血糖和血脂水平,预防心血管疾病等。此外,还具有抗衰老、促进记忆力和注意力集中等作用。


5. **烹饪多样性**:人参菜适合多种烹饪方式,如炒、炖、煲、炸、凉拌等。可以搭配肉类、海鲜、豆制品等食材,创造出丰富多样的菜肴。

6. **适宜人群**:人参菜适合各个年龄段的人群食用,尤其是中老年人、体弱多病者、免疫力低下者等。特别是对于阳虚和阴虚体质的人,人参菜具有较好的调理作用。

7. **价格适中**:相较于人参这种高档食材,人参菜的价格更为亲民,更容易被普通家庭接受。



1. **抗氧化作用**:桑椹子中含有丰富的天然抗氧化剂,如花青素、维生素C和维生素E,这些成分可以帮助抵抗自由基,减少氧化应激,延缓衰老。

2. **增强免疫力**:桑椹子中的多糖成分有助于增强机体免疫力,提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。

3. **改善心血管健康**:桑椹子中的黄酮类化合物和多种维生素对心血管系统有益,有助于降低血脂、血压,预防心血管疾病。

4. **保护眼睛**:桑椹子含有丰富的维生素A和胡萝卜素,有助于保护视力,预防干眼症和黄斑变性。

5. **改善睡眠**:桑椹子具有安神的作用,可以帮助改善睡眠质量,对于失眠有一定的缓解作用。

6. **抗炎作用**:桑椹子中的某些成分具有抗炎作用,可以帮助减轻炎症反应。

7. **促进消化**:桑椹子中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化功能。

8. **美容养颜**:桑椹子中的多种营养成分对于保持皮肤弹性和光泽有一定的帮助。

9. **降低血糖**:一些研究表明,桑椹子具有降低血糖的作用,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

10. **改善生殖功能**:桑椹子被认为有助于改善生殖系统功能,对男性生殖健康有一定的益处。




1. **补气固表**:黄芪具有补气的功效,对于因气虚引起的乏力、气短等症状有很好的改善作用。同时,它还能固表止汗,适用于治疗气虚自汗的情况。

2. **升阳举陷**:黄芪能够升提阳气,对于中气下陷引起的久泻脱肛、子宫或内脏下垂等症状有治疗作用。

3. **托毒排脓**:在中医理论中,黄芪有托毒排脓的功效,常用于治疗痈疽不溃、久溃不敛等病症。

4. **利水消肿**:黄芪有利水消肿的作用,适用于治疗水肿、小便不利等症状。

5. **补气养血**:黄芪能够补气生血,适用于治疗气血两虚、面色萎黄、头晕目眩等症状。

6. **抗衰老**:现代研究显示,黄芪含有多种抗氧化成分,如皂甙、多糖等,能够抗衰老,提高机体免疫力。

7. **抗肿瘤**:黄芪具有一定的抗肿瘤作用,能够增强机体免疫力,抑制肿瘤细胞的生长。

8. **调节血糖**:黄芪能够双向调节血糖,适用于治疗糖尿病等病症。


9. **保护心脏**:黄芪能够降低血液黏稠度,减少血栓形成,保护心脏健康。

10. **抗自由基损伤**:黄芪含有多种抗氧化成分,能够清除自由基,减少自由基对机体的损伤。

11. **抗缺氧**:黄芪能够提高机体对缺氧的耐受性,适用于高原反应等缺氧症状的治疗。


– 黄芪性温,不适合热毒炽盛、表实热证的患者使用。
– 部分患者,如脉细数、舌质红等中医肾阴虚者,不宜服用。
– 服用黄芪期间,应避免与其他药材的禁忌配伍。


Hui Tiandao Sect has been trying to find a way to fly out of the star and lead to the outer star field.

But for years, they never succeeded.
Although the strong in Heaven Sect have been desperate for several times, once they see a little hope, they will try to seize it like straws.
At this time, Qingling was disturbed by Yu Guihai’s words.
The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Yu Guihai came from outside the star.
For example, he has never seen a two-person shuttle break into the virtual door, which is definitely much more advanced than his own flying saucer. This is not something that the star world can make.
In combination with Yu Guihai, if you send a chance, he thinks it is likely to bring a channel to the outer star field.
So thinking about Qingling even lost the idea of chatting, he hurriedly sent a few hidden messages to the owner with Yu Guihai Fei.
Soon everyone reached a tall cloud and the peak landed on a platform at the top of the mountain.
There are already a large group of people here to meet him. First, a middle-aged man with elegant appearance, his breath is obscure and powerful, and he is a strong man with respect to Taoism.
Behind this man are three old men with different looks, all of whom are strong in Taoism, and behind them are several rows of powerful monks, all of whom are strong in emptiness.
Dozens of people are extremely friendly and looking forward to looking at Yu Guihai.
I went back to the sea to see how grand it was!
He couldn’t help but hesitate in his heart. Is it okay for people to go back to Heaven to greet themselves so friendly and control themselves? This is not good!
But on second thought, he came here to help them control them, and to help them better instead of invading, and then he strengthened his belief and never wavered.
However, he decided to talk to these people back to Tiandao Sect first. The Germans had better say that their voluntary surrender is worthy of their warm welcome.
"Ha, ha, ha, two distinguished guests came from afar, and I went back to Heaven to shine! I went back to the head of Tiandaozong to meet two distinguished guests! "
The first elegant middle-aged man was greeted with a big smile.
"I’ve heard a lot about Huiyuan Daoyou, and this is an imaginary friend who has seen Huiyuan Daoyou." Yu Guihai smiled kindly.
Then the two sides introduced each other and returned to the sea. The two were invited to enter the main hall, where the two sides were seated, and all kinds of treasures and delicacies came one after another.
After three rounds of wine and five flavors, the head of the company gave a wink to one person.
The man immediately raised his glass and laughed. "Ghost friend, I propose a toast to you. I don’t know where Friends Five Spirit Star Domain is? Which star does it belong to? "
Gulp Yu Guihai raised his glass and laughed. "You’re welcome, Xuanling Daoyou. My five-spirit star field is on the other side of our star."
"What? Dao you’re not kidding? There is no name for this star, Wuxing domain? " Xuanling exclaimed one
Around the back to heaven, all the people looked at each other in astonishment.
"This is the name I just decided on. My world is called the Five Spiritual Realms. I’m going to divide our star into nine star domains, such as the Star Domain I call Back to Heaven here."
Yu Guihai carefully explained that it seems that he didn’t feel the strange atmosphere around him, and the empty spirit was just like not seeing the world before eating and drinking.
Back to the heaven of all smell speech suddenly a crashing look at Yu Guihai eyes also strange.
He’s a distinguished guest in the outer star field, but he turns out to be an arrogant hillbilly.
The head of the company, Huiyuan, gave Qingling a hard look, and his face turned red. Then an anger came to him. He suddenly got up and pointed to Yu Guihai and shouted, "How dare you cheat me!"
"Qing spirit friends this to come? I cheated you when I was young! " Yu Gui Hai Wen said with surprise.
"Hum! Didn’t you say that you are from the outer star field? " Clear spirit cold hum a nu way
At that time, when his mind was hot, he told the leader and other disciples that the intruder was a visitor from another star field. Now he knows that he can’t afford to throw the pot without losing such an adult.
"When I said this! I say it’s just a five-spirit star field. "Yu Guihai answered with a stand of hands.
"Hum! Needless to say, I also ate wine and drank wine. I went back to Tiandong Sect, which is considered as the completion of hospitality. Now, please explain to the two that you want to break into me and go back to heaven. "The owner will hum a cold hum.
"I said I was giving you a chance to soar!" Yu guihai light way
"Ha, ha, ha, that’s arrogant. You’d better tell me about your chances of soaring. If you can’t say it, don’t blame me for waiting for your hand, "Huiyuan said with a laugh.
Back to heaven, all the people were rubbing their hands and looking at Yu Guihai jokingly, as if they were about to start work when they said something wrong.
Yu Guihai smiled calmly at this. He looked around and smiled lightly. "It’s very simple to have a chance to soar if you all serve me."
"Bastard! What are you? " Someone got angry.
"Haha, I didn’t expect to meet a crazy person." Someone shook his head and sighed.
"Ha ha, I’ve never seen such a shameless person!" Popular and extremely anti-laughing.
But no one believes it.
Chapter 97 Turn against good, in addition to being handsome.
"Small since you don’t appreciate it, don’t blame it!"

Zhou Zhiruo said most of the time that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to hand over Sichuan and Yunnan to Emei, so she supported Zhu Yuanzhang to ascend to the throne and become emperor. But now Zhu Yuanzhang doesn’t want to be emperor directly because of this matter.

Zhou Zhiruo wanted Zhu Yuanzhang to become emperor for nothing. If she wanted to become a warrior, it would be impossible for heaven, so she had to stop Zhu Yuanzhang from becoming emperor.
Wang Yue eyebrows a wrinkly slightly fidgety said, "Now Zhu Yuanzhang’s martial arts, which is the most powerful teaching force, are all in Zhu Yuanzhang’s hands, and it is the general trend for him to reign as emperor."
"Do you want me to help you? Are we going to kill Zhu Yuanzhang together?"
Chapter 29 Royal Guards
Wang Yue finally sighed and said, "If you want me to stop Zhu Yuanzhang from becoming emperor, I can’t. If you want to keep Sichuan and Southwest Army, you should find another way."
Wang Yue spoke tactfully and tried to save Sichuan and Southwest Army? In the face of Zhu Yuanzhang’s army, even if Wang Yue personally array, there is no way.
Zhu Yuanzhang’s accession to the throne as emperor is the general trend and popular aspiration. Wang Yue can’t compete with the whole day even if he is severe.
Don’t say that Excalibur Villa even has a "master of the day" in wu-tang clan, even if it doesn’t dare to stop Zhu Yuanzhang from becoming emperor.
Zhou Zhiruo thought for a moment and said, "Since you can’t stop Zhu Yuanzhang from becoming the emperor, you can come back to Emei Sect with me."
Zhou Zhiruo must take a step back when he sees things. First, keep Emei Sect and Sichuan territory before talking about other things.
Wang Yue frowned slightly and asked, "Let me go back to Emei School?"
Zhou Zhiruo nodded. "Yes, Zhu Yuanzhang’s martial arts are too strong. I’m not an opponent. I don’t know when Zhu Yuanzhang will attack Emei Sect. If I don’t die, Emei Sect will still have a chance. I want you to go back to Emei Sect with my brother."
Before Zhu Yuanzhang became a great master fighter, she regarded Wang Yue as a traitor of Emei Sect and a thorn in his side. But now Zhu Yuanzhang’s most powerful master, Emei Sect, has reached the most critical point, and her first thought is Wang Yue.
Now Wang Yue can compete with Zhu Yuanzhang and save Emei Sect and Southwest Army.
Wang Yue shook his head and said, "I can’t go back to Emei Sect. If I say you should hand over Sichuan and Southwest Army to Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang can’t fight you again if you hand over your territory and army. Look at you. Now you have to carry forward Emei Sect and manage the whole Sichuan and hundreds of thousands of troops. Are you tired?"
Wang Yue is a warrior. He is bent on breaking through the highest peak of the great master’s martial arts and finding his lost "things". It is very incomprehensible to Wang Yue that a warrior faction leader in Zhou Zhiruo wants to become an emperor and become a martial art.
Is it really that important to benefit wealth?
Without strength to protect interests and wealth, it’s just a mirage. With strength, interests and wealth are at your fingertips.
If Zhou Zhiruo’s martial arts is the peak of the great master, it is beyond the realm of the great master. Don’t say that even one Zhu Yuanzhang, even ten Zhu Yuanzhang, dare not start work on Zhou Zhiruo.
Zhou Zhiruo stared at Wang Yue’s eyes and said, "Let me hand over Sichuan and Southwest Army? No way. Sichuan and Southwest Army are the foundation of the rise of Emei Sect. Do you want me to give up? Without the territory and army, I Emei Sect can guarantee even the most basic livelihood, let alone development and growth. "
Zhou Zhiruo has already dissolved the Emei School Chamber of Commerce, and Emei School has been supported by Sichuan taxes. Without the site, there will be no tax revenue.
The Emei Sect now has more than 5,000 younger brothers and as many as 30,000 younger brothers. Without the territory and army, the Emei Sect may collapse instantly.
When the time comes, there will be only one mountain brother left in Emei Sect, which will be a kitten. It will not be as good as Zhou Zhiruo when the exterminator was alive. This will never happen.
If a sect wants to flourish, it must have enough territory and population, so that talented brothers in the sect can emerge continuously.
I’m afraid it’s Wang Yue, and Excalibur Villa has also asked Zhang Ji for a county territory.
Wang Yue frowned and didn’t know what to do.
Zhou Zhiruo said to Wang Yue, "Brother, although you left Emei Sect and founded Excalibur Villa, don’t forget that you are from Emei Sect. If you are rooted in Emei Sect, I won’t say anything anymore. Either you and I go back to Emei Mountain to keep Emei Sect’s territory and army, or you will wait for Sichuan to be captured by Zhu Yuanzhang and Emei Sect to be wiped out, and then come and collect my body. Hum!"
Zhou Zhiruo left Excalibur Mountain Villa by using spiral nine shadows and nine phantoms.
"Shimin" Wang Yue shouted.
Liu Shimin heard Wang Yueyin coming to "master’s business"
Wang Yue said, "Go and get a homing pigeon for Nanjing."
When Wang Yue established Excalibur Mountain Villa in Zhongnanshan, he gave a message and raised a lot of homing pigeons. Now he should be able to do it.
"yes, master"
Soon Liu Shimin brought a carrier pigeon.
Wang Yuebi wrote a letter to Zhu Yuanzhang and asked the homing pigeon to hand it out.
Looking at Wang Yue, a homing pigeon, disappearing into the sky, he said, "I hope Zhu Yuanzhang can agree to my request."
Nanjing Zhu Yuanzhang received a letter from Wang Yue’s homing pigeon and sneered at it. "Now that Wang Yue has betrayed the Emei Sect, it’s really inexplicable that he has come to Emei Sect and Zhou Zhiruo to intercede."
Said Zhu Yuanzhang gave the letter to Liu Bowen around him.
After reading the letter, Liu Bowen said, "Although Wang Yue, the leader of the school, left Emei Sect and founded Excalibur Villa, Zhou Zhiruo tried to kill him several times, but after all, he went out from Emei Sect. Zhou Zhiruo is his school sister anyway. If we kill Zhou Zhiruo and break Emei Sect orthodoxy, Wang Yue will definitely get back at us crazily."
"The leader’s martial arts is naturally not afraid of Wang Yue, but those officials and generals are afraid that no one can escape the condition that Wang Yue, the sword god, kills Wang Yue. Now we can promise."
When martial arts reach the point where Wang Yue and Zhu Yuanzhang don’t make moves, they are more powerful, just like humanoid nuclear bombs. Once they go crazy, no one can stop them.
Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes with a hint of golden light some angry way "because of scruples Wang Yue let Zhou Zhiruo so arrogant? Zhou Zhiruo, a greedy woman, not only wants to occupy Sichuan, but also Dali, Yunnan, so she can’t be allowed. "
Liu Bowen said with a smile, "The leader Wang Yue didn’t intend to help Zhou Zhiruo. You see, this letter is to let us not hurt Zhou Zhiruo’s life and not destroy the Emei Sect. He didn’t say that we wouldn’t take Sichuan. Haha …"
It is true that Wang Yue’s purpose is to save the lives of Emei Sect and Zhou Zhiruo, and he ignores them.
Zhu Yuanzhang was one leng and then laughed. "Hehe, Wang Yue is a pure fighter. It seems that he doesn’t want to get involved in the hegemony of heaven. He wants to keep the Emei Sect orthodoxy, so promise him first."
Zhu Yuanzhang’s first task now is to ascend the throne and unify the sects in Wulin, which can be dealt with later.
In Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart, he never thought of letting go of the major forces in Wulin, and planned that these Wulin sects would pose too great a threat to the throne.
You know, the Mongolian court was overthrown by the six sects, and Zhu Yuanzhang must not let such a tragedy happen to his grandchildren again. He wants to build an iron bucket that can last forever
Liu Bowen thought for a moment and then made a suggestion and said, "The hierarch’s major sects have even promised to come to Nanjing to attend the hierarch’s enthronement hall, which is a good thing. It will be the best time for us to capture their territory when the top leaders and top experts of major sects come to Nanjing."

Then the Luohe River and others also chose to enter it. Yang Guang didn’t stop it, but let them enter it smoothly. But he didn’t explain it, but let them explore for themselves.

Because Yang Guang himself is making progress in the process of groping.
Of course, the senior general of Luohe
Even if he chooses the simple mode to face the first enemy, he can’t be a low-spirited warrior but a martial arts start. If he chooses a more difficult mode, maybe he is a junior warrior or a superior martial arts with extraordinary fighting capacity.
But the possibility is not great.
In general, the so-called Luochang needs Yang Guanglai to fix it, but he can’t stay here at any time!
What then?
Don’t you play it once after some time?
Yang guang can’t ask himself. He doesn’t know when he will have it. Once something important is delayed, will he stay here all the time?
Not long after, these people in Luohe left the Xiuluo farm and left with those things they got inside.
Yang guang also directly in the direction of the dragon and tiger mountain.
Pingcheng is a prefecture-level city in Xijiang Province, and it is not far from yingtan where Longhu Mountain is located.
Yang guang came here and took the initiative to send out some breath.
The former returned to his lair from Sam, and the old Tianshi was healing. After all, he was hurt before, but it was not so easy to heal, especially that Xiaoyao was the most seriously injured.
He is now staying in Longhu Mountain to recuperate and has not chosen to return to Kunlun Mountain.
Almost everyone else returned to their own territory, while Zhen Xun and Mo Tianqi and Yun Hua, three reclusive families, Wu Sheng, temporarily lived in seclusion.
"I don’t know how Yang Daoyou came to meet me." The old Tianshi also came to high school directly after sensing the trace of Yang Guang.
He saw Yang Guang’s seconds kill video of the two angels of light with ten wings in some recorded videos later.
And they were almost killed by blazing angels, and Yang Guang’s ability to easily kill two blazing angels is equivalent to Yang Guang’s ability to easily kill his junior warrior.
"A-dao Zhang, this time I took the liberty of visiting and looking at Haihan!"
Yang guang polite after a while also finally said the purpose.
第六百五十四章 心态改变

"Why did you give him this if you knew he was going to be unlucky?" Another sound suddenly sounded in the darkness.

The old man said faintly, "How do you know if it will work if you don’t try?"
"even people your age believe in miracles?"
"No, I believe that wonderful things can always be unexpected."
Chapter nine hundred and seventeen An empty Great Wall at the end of the universe
The heaven in the pale world is called the holy ancient heaven. The heaven is located in the palace of Xuxiantu. The top of each towering fairy temple is shining with ancient array light. From a distance, it looks like beads, and the light interweaves to support a layer of nine-color light curtain to protect the whole temple.
Compared with Qin Changfeng and Chao Xue in the original fairyland, this magnificent and majestic heaven is nothing at all.
This is a veritable heavenly palace!
Like a piece of heaven, it covers the head of all beings, and the heaven doesn’t know how many powerful people are hidden. Qin Changfeng stands at an altar as high as 100 feet, looking around, there are still many places to look up to … It is so small that everyone who has just ascended to heaven can feel it.
There are as many strong people in heaven as stars. Are they busy ants in the eyes of those who are quietly famous for their exploits and fighting for their lives?
Very big people don’t even have the interest to look at each other seriously.
For a moment, when the altar was controlled by a celestial monk to rise from the dark light, Qin Changfeng converged all his moods and withdrew his eyes to reveal awe-inspiring colors.
There is no doubt that this altar is also a funeral procession, and it is the most profound and powerful one. Obviously, he and Chao Xue will be sent directly to finish before they can really see it in the holy ancient heaven.
Before leaving, the old man who had been guiding them finally said, "The destination of the two adults is the nearest sunset from Inverse Yan City. You can use your token to dispatch secret spies, secret guards and assassinations belonging to the dark department nearby, and you can also ask the Chinese commanders for help. However, the military dark department has always been at arm’s length. It is hard to know whether that adult will help."
Qin Changfeng has been thinking about how to complete the arduous task. It seems that he didn’t hear Chao Xuejian’s smile. "Thank you for waking up this time. If we can get away, we will be rewarded."
The old man hurriedly humbly said, "Your honor is serious. This is the duty!"
Hey! Hey! !
Moment altar array grain light flashing two divine light foaming at the mouth Qin Changfeng and the snow was sent away from the blink of an eye disappear.
The old man looked at Ruye’s altar for a long time and sighed, "These two have extraordinary postures, but they chose ten dead and alive."
One side is responsible for activating the altar array pattern and sending the monk to smell speech. "Old slick, these two talents have just soared, and they have never experienced a battle. What makes you dare to say that they are extraordinary? This is heaven. Even if it is called arrogance in their original place, what is it in heaven? "
"I’ve been sent to the Dark Division for hundreds of years, and I’ve seen thousands of soaring people. Ask yourself, there is still a good eye for people, and do you know that they directly need to get the meritorious service of redeeming the nine-grain destiny fairy from the official?"
The old man was nicknamed the old slick because he was smooth and always kind and didn’t offend anyone.
"Nine lines of destiny fairy? !”
The friar was shocked and said with horror, "luckily, they dare to speak. This is the top fairy planted in heaven, but I don’t know how many Buddha covets it, but it’s hard to watch it. It must be a dead end for them to say that they can get millions of merits from ten deaths."
The old man shook his head with a wry smile. "The world is absolutely that they dare to speak, and there must still be something of a humbler. Adults say that they expect him to become a new myth in heaven. Let’s wait for the theater goers for the time being. After all, we don’t even have the courage to lay down our lives, so we can watch others call wind and rain …"
Although they came to heaven for a long time, they found that their talents were so mediocre here-they were also shocked by the immortal Wang Cheng, a giant of heaven, but eventually they were slowly smoothed out by reality. Up to now, there are only two remaining people who keep their jobs and live in heaven.
Silence and sorrow. The old man who sent Qin Changfeng and Chao Xue came to him and said the same thing about them.
"Jun, the two newcomers have taken the inverse Yan City." The old man is still shrouded in shadows, and his figure looks very tall like a bear.
There was a wisp of smoke like a real dragon floating in the incense burner in front of you. He said indifferently, "You said that you believe that wonderful flowers can always be unexpected. You remember that when someone answered this, you said that you believed that everything was difficult and there was a will, and none of them came back."
The old man heard that the shadow on his face flashed quickly. "You don’t know that the old man didn’t say anything wrong. It’s just that those people are not determined enough, but this time it’s really different. I looked at that wonderful flower and it was a success."