
### 功效与作用

1. **补中益气**:黄精能够补中益气,增强人体免疫力,对体弱多病者有很好的调养作用。

2. **健脾润肺**:黄精具有健脾润肺的功效,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、肺燥咳嗽等症状有缓解作用。

3. **益肾**:黄精能益肾,对肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等症状有一定的改善作用。



4. **抗缺氧、抗疲劳、抗衰老**:现代医学研究表明,黄精具有抗缺氧、抗疲劳、抗衰老的作用。

5. **增强免疫功能**:黄精能增强免疫功能,提高人体对疾病的抵抗力。

6. **增强新陈代谢**:黄精可以促进新陈代谢,有助于身体恢复。

7. **降血糖、降血压、降血脂**:黄精具有降血糖、降血压、降血脂的作用,对于高血压、高血糖、高血脂等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **抗菌、抗真菌**:黄精对多种细菌和皮肤真菌有抑制作用。

9. **治疗糖尿病**:黄精对于糖尿病有很好的疗效。

### 用法与食用

1. **生黄精**:原材去杂质,润透切片入药。

2. **熟黄精**:净黄精润软反复蒸二三次后晒干切片入药。


3. **甜黄精**:净黄精九蒸九晒后入药,减缓对咽喉刺激,增强补益作用。

4. **酒黄精**:净黄精加酒和黑豆等辅料蒸后切片晒干入药,兼有通经络之功。

### 配伍




1. **清热散血**:散血草性质寒凉,能够入心经和脾经,加速人体内热毒的代谢,预防因热毒过重而引起的疾病。在中医临床上,它常用于治疗多种热病,特别是热病伤津时,煮水饮用可以快速缓解症状。


2. **凉血止血**:散血草能够凉血止血,防止因血热而引起的疾病,具有特别好的止血作用。在出现外伤出血时,将其捣碎外敷可以迅速止血。对于肠胃出血、大便带血等慢性出血性疾病,煮水饮用同样能有效减轻出血症状。

3. **收敛止泻**:散血草含有多种天然药用成分,能消灭人体内的敏感菌,阻止炎症滋生。煮水饮用后,能消灭大肠杆菌和痢疾杆菌,抑制多种病毒活性,对细菌性肠炎和病毒性痢疾有显著治疗作用。

4. **消肿抗炎**:散血草具有消肿抗炎的功效,可用于治疗跌打损伤、外伤出血、烫伤等。


5. **促进伤口愈合**:散血草能够促进伤口愈合,适用于烧伤、烫伤等情况。

6. **治疗多种疾病**:散血草还可用于治疗支气管炎、扁桃体炎、乳腺炎、痔疮肿痛、鼻出血、肺热咳血、口腔炎、肿瘤、尿液浑浊不清、慢性肝炎等病症。

7. **安全性高**:散血草毒性较轻,无毒,日常生活中无禁忌,可以直接外用。



### 毛葱的营养成分
1. **蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物**:毛葱含有一定量的蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物,这些都是人体必需的基本营养素。
2. **胡萝卜素**:胡萝卜素是一种抗氧化剂,有助于保护视力,增强免疫力。
3. **维生素C**:维生素C具有抗氧化作用,有助于增强皮肤弹性和抵抗力。
4. **果胶和水溶性果胶**:这些成分有助于消化,可以促进肠道健康。
5. **挥发油**:挥发油能刺激汗腺分泌,有助于发汗散热。
6. **大蒜素**:大蒜素具有抗菌作用,对某些细菌和病毒有抑制作用。

### 毛葱的作用
1. **解热祛痰**:毛葱中的挥发油可以刺激汗腺分泌,有助于发汗散热,适用于风寒感冒等轻微发热症状。同时,挥发油还能刺激上呼吸道,使粘痰易于咯出。
2. **促进消化吸收**:毛葱能刺激消化液分泌,有助于健脾开胃,增进食欲。
3. **抗菌抗病毒**:大蒜素在毛葱中起到抗菌作用,尤其对痢疾杆菌和皮肤真菌有抑制作用。


4. **降胆固醇**:毛葱汁中含有多种降胆固醇成分,特别是可溶性纤维汁,有助于降低血液中的胆固醇水平。
5. **防癌抗癌**:毛葱中的果胶和蒜辣素可能具有抗癌作用,有助于减少结肠癌的发生,抑制癌细胞生长。
6. **改善性功能**:毛葱中的某些成分可能有助于改善性功能。
7. **其他作用**:毛葱还具有降低血糖、降血压、治疗失眠、咽喉炎、赤痢、阴道滴虫病和某些皮肤病等作用。




### 营养价值

1. **蛋白质**:鸡肉含有丰富的优质蛋白质,对于肌肉的生长和修复非常有益。
2. **维生素**:鸡肉含有多种B族维生素,如维生素B6、维生素B12等,有助于身体代谢。
3. **矿物质**:鸡肉含有磷、铁、钾、镁等矿物质,有助于维持身体电解质平衡。


4. **脂肪**:鸡肉中的脂肪含量相对较低,尤其是去皮的鸡胸肉。
5. **其他营养成分**:鸡酒中可能加入的中药材如枸杞、党参等,也含有多种有益成分。

### 益处

1. **增强免疫力**:鸡肉富含氨基酸,有助于增强身体免疫力。
2. **促进消化**:鸡肉中的脂肪和蛋白质有助于消化。
3. **补气养血**:中医认为鸡酒具有补气养血的作用,适合体质虚弱的人群。
4. **缓解疲劳**:长期饮用鸡酒可能有助于缓解疲劳。
5. **改善睡眠**:某些鸡酒配方中可能含有有助于改善睡眠的中药材。

### 注意事项

1. **分量控制**:虽然鸡酒具有一定的益处,但过量饮用可能导致身体不适。
2. **个人体质**:对于某些体质的人来说,鸡酒可能不适合,最好在专业人士的建议下饮用。
3. **禁忌**:孕妇、哺乳期妇女等特殊人群应避免饮用鸡酒。



1. **蛋白质和氨基酸**:藕粉含有丰富的植物蛋白,对于维持肌肉组织的生长和修复非常重要,同时也能加强免疫系统和增强体力。

2. **维生素和矿物质**:藕粉中含有多种维生素和矿物质,如维生素C、B族维生素、钙、铁、锌等。这些营养素有助于促进新陈代谢、增强免疫力、维护骨骼健康,并有助于预防贫血。

3. **清热解毒**:藕粉具有清热解毒的作用,有助于促进体内新陈代谢和排毒,特别适合夏季食用,可以帮助身体降温、清热解毒。


4. **美容养颜**:藕粉含有丰富的莲藕多糖和蛋白质,能促进身体的自我修复,改善皮肤质地和弹性。同时,藕粉含有大量胶原蛋白,有助于减缓皮肤老化速度。

5. **易于消化**:藕粉的消化特性非常好,易于被身体吸收,不会给胃肠道带来不适,也不会对身体造成负担。

6. **补血益气**:藕粉有助于补血益气,对于气血不足者有很好的滋补作用。

7. **健脾益胃**:藕粉中的黏液蛋白和膳食纤维能与胆酸盐、胆固醇结合,有助于减少脂类的吸收,并且具有健脾止泻的作用。

8. **止泻作用**:藕粉能帮助止泻,对脾胃虚弱、食欲不振的人群有益。

9. **止血散瘀**:藕粉中的单宁酸具有收缩血管的作用,可以用来止血,特别适合有出血症状的人群。

10. **调节血脂**:藕粉能抑制人体小肠对胆固醇的吸收,并防止胆固醇生成,有助于降低血液中的胆固醇,预防高血脂和动脉硬化。




1. **清热解毒**:蓝莲花性寒,具有清热解毒的作用。在中医理论中,它可以用于治疗热病、发热、咽喉肿痛等症状。

2. **镇静安神**:蓝莲花还有助于镇静安神,对于失眠、多梦、心烦等症状有一定的缓解作用。

3. **利尿消肿**:蓝莲花有利尿作用,可以帮助身体排出多余的水分,对水肿有一定的治疗效果。

4. **养颜美容**:蓝莲花中的营养成分有助于滋养肌肤,改善肤色,对美容养颜有一定的帮助。

5. **活血化瘀**:蓝莲花还具有活血化瘀的功效,对于跌打损伤、瘀血等症状有一定的缓解作用。

6. **辅助治疗皮肤病**:蓝莲花的清热解毒作用可以辅助治疗一些皮肤病,如湿疹、皮炎等。

7. **促进消化**:蓝莲花对于消化系统有一定的调节作用,有助于改善消化不良、食欲不振等症状。

8. **抗炎作用**:蓝莲花具有一定的抗炎作用,可以用于治疗一些炎症性疾病。

9. **保护心血管**:蓝莲花中的某些成分可能有助于降低血压,保护心血管健康。


– 对蓝莲花过敏者应避免接触或使用。
– 妊娠期妇女和哺乳期妇女在使用前应咨询医生。


– 蓝莲花的药用应在中医师的指导下进行,不宜自行用药。


Thinking of this, Gao Fei pulled a chair and sat next to Frank, forcing a friendly smile and saying to Frank, "Frank, let’s discuss something."

Frank looked wary. "What do you want to do?"
Goofy hey hey smiled. "Frank, we are both bachelors. It is not allowed by law to adopt Carrie. The only way is to forge this little girl’s identity and turn her into our relative …"
Frank frowned. "Goofy, you’re young. It’s just knowing the law and breaking the law!"
"How can this be illegal? I’m thinking of Carrie! " Gao Fei said sincerely
Besides, since the superhero system full of positive energy has not blocked the words of flying high, it is justice to say that flying high is allowed.
However, Frank’s face showed reluctance. "This matter is not easy to handle."
Goofy didn’t believe him. "Don’t be modest, Frank. Who doesn’t know that your hands and eyes are sky-high? It’s just a fake identity. It’s not difficult for you to turn Carrie into your illegitimate daughter so that Carrie can live with us. "
"What? Turn her into my illegitimate daughter? !” Frank a face of resistance "you are going to ruin my reputation! I, Frank, am a golden bachelor. How can I be romantic when I have an illegitimate daughter? "
Goofy disliked the pie mouth. "Don’t be shameless. God knows how many illegitimate daughters you have. Just promise me as a favor and rest assured that I won’t let you contribute in vain."
After hearing this, Frank finally expressed his interest in the old guy. He rolled his eyes and then whispered, "It’s feasible to turn her into my illegitimate daughter, but …"
"But what?" Goofy asked
"But I need a procedure for you to prepare five thousand dollars in cash for me so that I can turn this little girl into my illegitimate daughter?" Frank asked with a sly smile.
Will goofy listen? Five thousand dollars!
Why don’t you grab it?
Even your nephew blackmailed Frank. Are you still human?
Fighting back the impulse to beat him up, goofy sneered and stared at Frank’s eyes and said, "Frank, why don’t you do this? You help me with Carrie’s affairs, and I won’t pursue your crime of stealing black guns from gun gangs again. After all, Sheriff Schneider has been putting pressure on me to be loyal to my family."
Frank’s eyes were black, and Nima even brought back old scores.
"Is this a threat?" Frank sink a ask a way
Goofy smiled and nodded "calculate"
Pondering for a moment, Frank patted his thigh. "Deal!"
Goofy took a short nap and went straight to the police station the next morning. Carrie stayed alone in the apartment to watch TV, just as American Idol was replayed last night.
Going out to the 19th precinct, Goofy realized how serious the green goblin had done to Brooklyn last night. Besides Goofy’s support for refueling and Aunt Wang’s supermarket, several shops were smashed to pieces.
The worst case came from an intersection on Rolling Stone Street, where a green goblin overturned a double-decker bus. Five passengers were killed and 11 were seriously injured. The seriously injured are still being rescued.
Disaster finally arrival marvel universe.
Norman Oss and his Green Devil Corps are coming to new york, which will become even more dire-"Iron Overlord" obadiah, Hulk and Hatred, Whip Lock and Hammer Military Steel Warrior, Gold and his Black Empire, Zetatari Corps from other countries …
Every disaster will get worse than the last one, and the people in new york will get worse and worse. But now just a green goblin has put the citizens in a panic and made them feel like they are in a nightmare.
Goofy shook his head and sighed that the future would be worse.
Back at the station, my colleagues have arrived at Hank’s busy schedule to sort out the evidence last night, while Sheriff Schneider has been sitting in his office talking.
Officer Roger sat in his seat with a painful expression and was silent.
Gao Feixin asked Anna next to him curiously, "What happened to Roger?"
Anna dragged Goofy aside and wrote, "It’s Roger’s brother. He didn’t come when the double-decker bus green goblin rushed over on Rolling Stone Street last night. After the sports car was overturned, his brother was unfortunately killed …"
Hearing this, Goofy slowly walked over to Roger and patted him on the shoulder and whispered, "I’m sorry this unfortunate thing happened to your head, old chap …"
⑧ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ 931
Roger nodded wearily and then patted Goofy on the back of his hand.
"Thank you for flying high. I wish I had been there …" Roger whispered. "I should have done something for my brother. He has always been proud of my brother as a policeman, but I can’t even protect my brother as a policeman …"
"No one could have expected this kind of disaster in Brooklyn," Goofy said. "Those green goblins suddenly appeared and everyone was unprepared, so you shouldn’t be responsible for this."
"No, I should," Roger said to himself. "Goofy, I heard Hank say that there are human experiments in these green goblin Holt pharmaceutical factories, right? These green goblins are mutated through human experiments, right? At the beginning, you suggested that everyone continue to pursue the human experiment of Holt Pharmaceutical Factory, but everyone was thinking about more than one thing and didn’t get to the bottom of this case. That’s what I thought at that time. I thought about throwing the case to other branches as soon as possible to make my work easier … If everyone had listened to you and continued to pursue this case, maybe there would be no green goblins now. "

When Mo Qingqing heard the wind tilting and his teeth chattered, he asked worriedly, "Can you handle the wind tilting?"

The wind suddenly said "no … nothing …" It was a little unclear. She looked around and tried to divert her attention.
Mo Qingqing said, "If you are afraid, read in your mind that it is sleeping, so that you are not afraid. I am also afraid when riding a roller coaster, and then I told myself that it will not fall, so that I will not be so afraid."
The wind gently "well" the arm tightly around MoQingQing neck.
Mo Qingqing felt that the leeward was shaking all the time, so she found a topic to talk with the wind. She said, "The wind is leaning, do you think I can find a boyfriend?" Do you think those people will be afraid to marry me if I am so good? I think so. What if I punch him lightly and he dies? "
The wind suddenly trembled and said, "Don’t … don’t think about it … Liu … Liu Che said that the people infected with the rattan are even … even the spittle is corrosive to you … you … unless you want to marry Yu … Yu Dong, who are infected with the rattan power."
Mo Qingqing thought that the ghost hand rattan essence couldn’t even climb a tree, and it didn’t look good. He suddenly pouted in disgust and said, "If I want to find a boyfriend, I have to find someone who is more powerful and handsome than me, and my height can’t be too high. That kind of savage who eats a tall plant seems to grow to two meters is absolutely not allowed to be more than one meter."
The wind is blowing "…" She said slowly, "People who are better than you have never seen a height of one meter so far. Even my father has grown ten centimeters in height. I heard that the power has promoted some non-renewable cells to develop growth hormone again and increase their secretion. Many people have increased their height a lot."
Mo Qingqing listened to the wind and the pressure was very low, knowing that she was still afraid of trying to control it, but she could try to control the sound as smoothly as possible when she was so scared of the wind, and it was also very angry to stop stuttering, but she still refuted what she felt was wrong when she spoke to the wind.
She said, "If you don’t lie, I won’t grow and you won’t grow."
The wind suddenly said, "Not everyone grows up with diffuse abilities, but the human base is usually much longer with strength." She was worried that Mo Qingqing was unbalanced in her heart and added, "You can understand that porters have grown up with a basic material team, and everyone has grown more than ten centimeters tall. Now all the people in the material team are tall and strong, but most of them are taller."
Mo Qingqing asked, "Why don’t the diffuse powers grow up?"
Feng Xieran said, "This may be two different evolutionary directions, or it may be related to the growth rate of power, sometimes too short and too little data, so Liu Che can’t draw a conclusion."
The wind suddenly added, "We are still at the kindergarten level because of the study of abilities."
Mo Qingqing said, "Preschool?"
The wind smiles.
Mo Qingqing’s mouth is not slow at all. Her vest, robot and bird are used to the wind, but this weight is almost equal to her not being able to carry it back easily, which does not affect her journey at all.
Soon they came to the red giant ant nest again.
Mo Qingqing kicked the red giant ant shell and said, "The wind is coming."
The wind suddenly "hmm" and said, "Go to the well near the black fog, and then let me go."
MoQingQing "oh" should be.
She leans all the way with her back to the wind.
The wind was so cold that sweat dripped down her forehead and even her lips trembled. She also knew that the ancestor would not hurt her when he was sleeping, but she was just afraid of feeling close to the danger.
This is indeed the case.
She doesn’t know whether the black fog monster will roll over after falling asleep, and whether the black fog will suddenly blow out or not. If the black fog comes so close, she and Mo Qingqing may not even escape.
Mo Qingqing released the wind when she got to the patio. When she saw it, she was so frightened that she thought of them hiding in the tent on a windy day after the disaster. There were wild animals next to their tent, and the car was crushed on the roof. However, she couldn’t beat it and couldn’t run, so she was so scared that she could hug each other and tremble. She was so scared that she thought that at least there would be wind to accompany her.
She doesn’t know how to comfort the wind and stay with it.
It’s different to have company and no company.
Mo Qingqing is quite impressed by the wind. If she is scared like this, she will definitely stay far away and never come back. But the wind is tilting. No, she will come and sit here and continue to tremble. She will not stop until this fear is overcome.
She is an idle person who sits beside the wind for a while, then sleeps and plays with the red rock in her hand. When the wind suddenly says that there is something in the rock, she lifts the rock and looks again and again, but she doesn’t see anything hurtful in the rock.
She had noticed that there was something shiny like glass reflection in the red rock, and it was estimated that it might be some impurities or associated minerals, just like crystals and gems are produced in rocks. So is this red rock, but the color of its luminous things is very close to that of the red rock, and the luster is a bit like power streamer, and the color is uneven, which makes it a little prick to the touch.
Mo Qingqing thought maybe this is a new kind of gem.
She thought that Liu Che liked to do research so much that even insects wanted to study it. Just chisel a few stones for Liu Che and let Liu Che ponder over it slowly.

The early autumn breeze has been blowing the time away quietly.

The ruins of Caomiao Village fell into a long silence again. The day passed and the night came, and the stars fell a little, as if they had seen all the vicissitudes of the world.
Those ghosts who gathered here have already been removed by Qingyun Gate.
However, the ghost can be removed, but the dead can be resurrected.
This place is still deserted and dead
More because Qin Changfeng in the sky above his head and the earth at his feet are shrouded in a kind of eternal darkness.
Gradually, even the stars seem to be retreating.
The third Lei Jie Yin Yi is 90% similar to Moro’s eye, and the black eye pupil is condensed in virtual …
Around the night, Taoist wild dogs and four or five people in the blood refining hall showed fanatical worship.
They can feel that this mysterious eye exudes the purest magic breath, powerful, pure and vast!
Looking at it seems to see the ancestors who created the magic door, the original monty, the Notre Dame and the king of Dreadwind worshipped by their magic door teachings …
Look at their sample Qin Changfeng eyes off a flash … This seal can make all demons fear!
Chapter three hundred and fourteen Vatican monty seal
Fear is not a minister.
But it is a symbol of status and potential!
It’s like some people are born to be heavenly nobles, while others are all.
It is often told that the story of mortal counterattack is often extremely inspirational and inspiring.
But in fact, this is just a special case of minimal probability in several events.
Most of the time, the natural foundation almost determines where the limit can be reached in the future.
When the magic gas gradually converges, the starlight moon reappears, and it is already late at night.
At this moment, this third robbery seal has been completely formed, and it is called Vatican Monty Seal!
In this name, the word "Brahma" came to Qin Changfeng, which is not clear because all names are directly determined by the brain …
At this moment, I suddenly heard the distant wind whistling like thunder, and a strong voice came in through the distance. "What a demon who dares to practice evil skills in Qingyun Mountain and die!"
Road flyover wild dogs and others smell speech immediately pale, because this sound actually pierces the mind like a sharp sword, and they are shocked and almost fell down. Two of them are weak and vomited blood on the spot.
Seeing this, the crowd cried with horror. Even if you don’t recognize the first pine road flyover of Qingyun Gate Dragon Head Peak, you know that there are several masters today.
In the distance, a green light roared in the sky, and the sound was still hundreds of feet away. If you look at it again, it will be hundreds of feet.
With just that means of gathering sounds into swords, Taoist Cangsong’s magical way is very serious.
In doing so, he clearly intended to bully.
A moment later, a man with a black robe wrapped tightly in a black robe, the royal sword flew in, and the man with a fierce look in his eyes was still in the middle. A sword with one finger and one foot sounded like a pool of autumn water, and there was a thin but sharp green light attached to it, and it was not harsh and murderous.
As his sword pointed at the sky, the dark clouds suddenly surged, and there was more than thunder and thunder. There was light flashing on the edge of the dark clouds, and the heavens and the earth were devastated by the wind.
And that long sword seems to have absorbed Lei Tianwei’s sudden surge of green light, but firm but gentle and magnificent moment, ten feet cut through the virtual head!
"Do you still want to kill people?"
Qin Changfeng swallowed the thumbprint of Brahma Monty in one bite, and then his cheeks were as big as a ball and he was like a toad in a puff of air.
And then …
"Just take you to test Brahma’s magic power!"
Laughing, he turned the magic thunder into a pure airflow after a full thousand points of transformation, and suddenly sprayed it out of his mouth!
This is a thick dark beam of arms flying out of his mouth for more than ten meters, and it is intercepted in half when the blue flying sword is cut.
At this time, it looks like a giant toad spouting a thick ink and stopping a mighty fairy sword.
Of course, this is a realistic description.
If you look at it from the point of view of road flyover wild dogs and others, it is … Yan Gong inhales like a dragon, and the magic power of the abdomen condenses, and the magic light of the dragon’s breath spurts out like a dragon’s breath, tearing the virtual hole into the night and instantly burning the enemy’s fairy sword.
Not only that, the magic light is still rapidly eroding the blue Lei Guang’s firm but gentle sword, and soon it will be corroded, and then the dark magic light will contaminate the flying sword body, and the latter will immediately shine like a layer of dust.
And with the thick as juice, ink, light, bones and maggots, the unique light of the magic weapon of the flying sword fairy family is getting darker and darker, as if losing spirituality and becoming common iron …
This kind of situation don’t say even Qin Changfeng across the black dress person is the first time to see.
But for a moment, I feel that the flying sword I control has lost its spirituality, let alone the magic weapon of the fairy family, which even some magic weapons in the mortal world can’t compare with.
He read a loose flying sword and fell directly to the ground to make a "bang"-like a stone collision, he sounded different sounds to the Excalibur
"I really lost Lingwei and became Fantie!"
Pine falls more than ten meters away, secretly gasping for breath, and the horror color passes in the face.
A person who has a deep heart and is in a high position all the year round can’t help but lose his temper. Even for a moment, you can see how what just happened has caused a shock in his heart.
You know, his flying sword just now is not the magic weapon of the nine days, such as Tianjun and Dragon Chopper, but it can also be counted in the magic weapon of ordinary monks.
But a face-to-face is corroded into scrap metal. Even though he underestimates the enemy for the first time, the strange power of the other party is really frightening.

The silver state world night watchman’s ability and the cultivation of immortal swordsmanship are almost equal to many swords.

In an instant, all shadow lives were killed by Yang Xiu, leaving no one behind.
Yang xiu smiled and looked around before the enemy.
He used to play sacks, and sure enough, toad was in the sack.
History toad was tied up and motionless, and Yang Xiu’s eyes were full of gratitude.
Yang xiu untied toad’s rope and asked, "what’s the matter?"
"Alas, the dead kind of Zhao looks as if it’s all right, but Zhao is still checking.
Come and get me after the limelight. If you hadn’t saved me, I would have died. I would have been tortured to death by them and finally destroyed. "
At the end of the day, Shi toad and Zhao Ji are all suspected of a woman dispute.
Yang Xiu frowned and said, "What can I do if the external tightness is still picketing?"
History of toad quickly said, "it’s okay, I won’t say anything.
I’m going to find the princess. She’s my benefactor. Zhao Ji is dead. Her soaring status should protect me!
Don’t worry, brother yang, I slept to death that night. I don’t know anything. I won’t say anything! "
It seems that this guy still knows something that night.
Yang xiu looked at him with a new smile.
Suddenly toad was so scared that he peed his pants. This is really scary.
"Ha, ha, ha, nothing. I’m joking with you. Let’s go quickly!"
History of toad don’t know whether to laugh or cry, no matter pants urine directly said
"I went!"
Say that finish to go or a little scared and said
"Big silly sheep we are brothers don’t give me a guy behind! ……”
Yang Xiu scolded, "Get out!"
History of toad suddenly ran and disappeared.
Yang Xiu sighed and said, "I wonder if he can pass this time."
Su Xiaomei said, "Nothing!
In fact, the princess seems to have a little interest in you. He is your friend and she will support you if something happens! "
"Princess, alas, woman, what will affect my sword speed!"
"Bah, shameless!"
Two bodies here can’t be eerily cleaned up. Yang Xiu devours the bodies in darkness.
In fact, he can be a dark parasite and turn this corpse into his own dark range.
But he doesn’t like to do this. His darkness is darker than purity. He doesn’t want these bodies to defile himself!
They also deserve it?
My own night is the most pure night to protect me!
The history of toad here after processing Yang Xiu back to the dormitory to continue to make tea.
It’s also interesting for Su Xiaomei to chat while drinking tea.
After an hour, toad quietly returned.
"Princess Yang Ge settled it for me over there.
But I have to leave the Imperial Capital and return to Yinzhou City.
I didn’t study in college, and there was a flying boat early. "
Yang Xiu nodded and said, "Let’s go, you can’t build a dangerous wall!"
"I’m leaving Yang Ge!"
Say that finish history toad handed me a handful of money.
"I can’t. You can keep it."
Yang xiu is also welcome to collect more than one million yuan.
History of toad hugged him Yang Xiu said
"Toad, take care. Don’t die!"
History of toad eyes moist finally said
"Big silly sheep take care!"
This turn away from disappearing into the night!
Chapter one hundred and sixty-three Kiyomi wrong light hole really eye.
Send away the words of Shi toad and Yang Xiu.
This wave of students died on this road, and most of the history of toad also left. Lan Yu was removed from the missing princess and Xu Heyuan.
It’s really bleak!
Don’t want to benefit