
1. **丰富的维生素和糖分**:冻柿子含有比一般水果高1至2倍的维生素C和糖分,能有效补充人体所需的能量和维生素。

2. **润肠通便**:冻柿子中富含果胶,这是一种水溶性膳食纤维,有助于调节肠道菌群,促进胃肠蠕动,从而改善便秘。

3. **补充营养**:冻柿子含有丰富的矿物质、果糖、果酸以及微量元素,能够为人体提供必需的营养。

4. **润肺生津**:冻柿子能够补充人体养分和细胞内液,对润肺和生津有一定的帮助。


5. **解酒作用**:冻柿子能促进血液中乙醇的氧化,有助于机体排泄酒精,减轻酒精对身体的伤害。

6. **治疗地方性甲状腺肿大**:冻柿子含有丰富的维生素和碘,对于治疗因缺碘引起的地方性甲状腺肿大有积极作用。

7. **降低血压和改善心血管功能**:冻柿子有助于降低血压,软化血管,增加冠状动脉流量,并具有活血消炎的作用。

8. **养胃健脾**:冻柿子还有助于养胃健脾,适合脾胃消化功能正常的人群食用。

9. **抗炎作用**:冻柿子具有一定的抗炎作用,有助于改善心血管功能。


10. **抗氧化作用**:冻柿子中含有的多种抗氧化物质,如维生素C和花青素等,有助于抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。


– 空腹不宜食用,以免加重肠胃负担。
– 不宜与高蛋白食物如蟹、鱼、虾等同时食用,以免生成难以消化的物质。
– 糖尿病患者和脾胃虚寒的人群应适量食用或避免食用。



1. **祛风除湿**:鹿含草具有祛风除湿的功效,对于治疗风湿痹痛、类风湿疾病等有显著疗效。它能缓解关节疼痛和肿胀,对于风湿病患者来说,是一种常用的辅助治疗药物。

2. **强壮筋骨**:鹿含草有助于强健筋骨,改善腰膝酸软、疲乏无力的症状,对于骨虚类症状和退行性骨质增生症有治疗作用。


3. **补肾强身**:鹿含草能入肝、肾二经,具有养肝补肾的功效,适用于肾气不足、肝阴不足等病症,对于因肾虚引起的心悸、心气不足、盗汗等症状有缓解作用。

4. **止血活血**:鹿含草具有收敛止血的作用,对于女性月经量过多、外伤出血、消化道出血等情况有治疗作用。与阿胶等药物配合使用,止血活血的效果更为显著。

5. **润肺止咳**:鹿含草对于肺燥引起的咳嗽、气喘、哮喘、慢性支气管炎等症状有治疗作用,能滋润肺脏,缓解呼吸道不适。

6. **抗菌消炎**:现代药理学研究表明,鹿含草具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,可以抵制金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎球菌、伤寒杆菌等多种致病菌。

7. **增强免疫力**:鹿含草还能增强人体免疫力,有助于抵抗疾病。

8. **调月经**:对于女性月经不调、白带异常等问题,鹿含草也有一定的调节作用。

9. **强心**:鹿含草能增加心肌收缩功能,预防心律不齐,降低血压,加快血液循环。




1. **增进食欲**:刺老芽含有丰富的营养成分,如蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、矿物质和维生素等,这些成分能够刺激食欲,促进消化。

2. **改善情绪**:刺老芽含有多种有益于神经系统的物质,如维生素B家族,能够帮助调节情绪,缓解神经衰弱、抑郁症等不良情绪。

3. **提高免疫力**:刺老芽富含16种氨基酸和22种微量元素,如钙、锰、铁等,这些成分对于增强人体的免疫功能有重要作用。

4. **活血利湿**:刺老芽具有活血、祛风、利湿的功效,对于改善血液循环、祛除湿气有一定的帮助。

5. **滋补身体**:刺老芽含有丰富的营养,能够滋补身体,缓解体虚,增强体质。

6. **预防胃溃疡**:刺老芽中的皂苷、果酸和挥发油等成分能够消灭体内细菌,增强抗炎能力,对预防胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡有一定的效果。

7. **祛风除湿**:刺老芽能够祛风除湿,疏通经络,对于风湿性关节炎等疾病有一定的缓解作用。

8. **抗疲劳、防癌**:刺老芽中的氨基酸和无机元素含量丰富,有助于治疗脑力和体力过度疲劳,以及急慢性肝炎、肾炎、胃癌、肝癌等疾病。

9. **治疗腹泻**:刺老芽的树皮具有健胃功能,在民间用于治疗腹泻、痢疾等病症。

10. **美容养颜**:刺老芽富含的维生素和矿物质有助于美容养颜,改善皮肤状况。




1. **预防缺铁性贫血**:猪腰花含有较丰富的血红素铁,这种铁质更容易被人体吸收,对于预防和缓解缺铁性贫血有积极作用。

2. **补肾强腰**:中医理论认为,猪腰花具有补肾、强腰的功效。它含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,如铁、锌、钙等,这些营养成分有助于强壮肾脏,提高肾功能。


3. **滋阴补阳**:猪腰花富含的营养成分有助于滋阴补阳,对肾虚腰痛、遗精、盗汗等症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. **通膀胱、消积滞**:猪腰花具有通膀胱、消积滞的功效,可用于治疗水肿、耳聋等症状。

5. **止消渴**:猪腰花还有止消渴的作用,对于口渴、多饮等症状有一定的缓解效果。

6. **美容养颜**:传统中医认为,猪腰花对于女性美容养颜也有一定帮助。

7. **适宜孕妇食用**:猪腰花有滋肾利水的作用,适宜孕妇偶尔食用以滋补肾脏。


– **胆固醇含量较高**:猪腰花中的胆固醇含量较高,不适合血脂偏高的人群食用。

– **清洗肾上腺**:在食用猪腰花前,需要将肾上腺割除干净,以避免皮质激素和髓质激素的摄入。

– **适量食用**:猪腰花虽然营养丰富,但过量食用可能导致身体不适。



1. **清热润肺**:白糖蒸鸡蛋可以滋阴润肺,对于肺燥咳嗽有一定的预防和缓解作用。白糖中的微量元素和鸡蛋中的蛋白质结合,能快速合成人体必需的氨基酸,有助于滋阴润肺,生津止咳。

2. **补充热量与营养**:此食品能为人体的日常活动提供所需的热量,同时含有丰富的蛋白质、矿物质和多种维生素,有助于促进人体新陈代谢,维持正常机能,增强体质,对于病后身体的恢复也有积极作用。


3. **美白淡斑祛除痘印**:白糖蒸鸡蛋中含有的维生素C可以淡化色斑,抑制色素沉积,有助于美白肌肤。同时,其中的营养成分还能促进皮肤细胞再生,减少痘痘生成,有助于祛除痘印。

4. **延年益寿预防癌症**:白糖蒸鸡蛋含有多种有益的营养成分,可以提高人体各器官功能。其中含有的微量元素如硒和黄酮类成分,能清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老,增强免疫力,有助于预防癌症。


5. **补中益气**:从中医角度讲,鸡蛋蒸白糖具有补中益气的功效,对于气血亏虚引起的头晕头痛有一定的缓解作用,同时还有健脾开胃、促进食欲的效果。


Deputy Director Jia said again after hearing this for a long time, "I think it’s better for us to solve these cases more pertinently."

Chief looked at him.
"Whether we want to admit it or not, gun dealers have become a semi-public occupation in today’s era, and the scale of employees in this occupation is very large." Deputy Director Jia got up and said, "Once we crack down on them, it will involve many issues, such as how the district law should judge outsiders’ large-scale arrest, and what should we do if it causes a rebound …!"
"They just dared to do this because they were sure that our police headquarters was worried too much!" The general director interrupted and responded, "Even if we fill more than a dozen prisons in the seven districts, we must crack down on them!"
Deputy director Jia looked at him without saying anything.
"I announced a task force member …!" Chief twist a head to look at the people was serious to read the names.
Jiuqu Fengbei
Sportswear man took Qi Lou and stretched out his hand and pulled the door of an off-road vehicle.
Che Shayong walked over and looked at Qi and waved and said, "Come on!"
March hesitate a step away.
Sportswear men’s doors closed, and the main driver slowly drove away.
Sha Yong looked at Qi with a light smile and said, "I have a lot of things on my hands recently and I haven’t come to see you. How are you getting used to life here?"
"Ok" march nodded.
"Good is fine," Sha Yong asked easily. "What would you like to eat is my treat?"
Qi licked his lips and was silent for a long time. Then he suddenly looked at Sha Yong and asked, "Is there something you want to see me about?"
"Hehe Cong!" Sha Yong nodded slowly. "I want you to go to South Shanghai!"
"What are you doing in South Shanghai?" March leng asked
"Let’s find a place to eat first." Sha Yong patted Qi’s shoulder. "The table says!"
Chapter 167 Take the road
In a small barbecue shop in Fengbei, District 9, Sha Yong sat leisurely in a small box and ate a barbecue. He said, "When Shen Yingang and I were soldiers, the officers at the lower level were strict with both of us. We didn’t have holidays and often sneaked out to eat here …"
Qi was not interested in listening to him say these things and answered seriously, "What on earth do you want me to do in South Shanghai?"
Sha Yong glanced at Qi. "Why do you look a little nervous?"
"I have no appetite."
“……!” Sha Yong paused for a long time, picked up a paper towel and wiped her mouth and replied, "Someone wants to clean up Qin Yu’s team in South Shanghai, but people there don’t know much about this mixed ground. You came out from Qin Yu’s side and know their roots. I want you to help."
"Clean up who?" March leng asked
"The man named Qiu Wu has been arrested. He wants to sentence him to death and move Ye Xiao, but he met with resistance when handling the case." Sha Yong stepped in and replied, "It may be helpful for you to go."
Qi was very conflicted when he heard this. "I’m Songjiang. I don’t know anything about South Shanghai. What can I do?"
"Ha ha, this is not right?" Sha Yong smiled and replied, "Tiancheng regimental headquarters is very United, and Songjiang and South Shanghai are also very close because of the noise. How can you not know Ye Xiao and them?"

Qin Changfeng touched Ba thoughtfully. What else can he ask except life?

Skills don’t need to ask for treasures directly. What seems to be too explicit? After reasoning, I found that I really didn’t know what to ask at the moment.
I don’t know how to think about him, but he asked, "I want to ask you whether you are a man or a woman. Do you have the honor to see Fang?"
A glittering and translucent and holy wicker green shadow can be drawn to Qin Changfeng to avoid, but Liu Shen’s fame in his heart is too great. At the first moment, he lost his mind and missed the best opportunity. The whole person rose up and actually experienced a kicking field like a little one …
The next day, it was calm again. In this issue, the little one broke through to the cave, and he was only two months away from his full age. At this age, it is very extraordinary, but it is still far from Qin Changfeng’s requirements.
By Qin Changfeng, his second so-called God-given treasure-the immortal power of five elements.
The cultivation of this method must be based on the pure five elements of blood force. There is no such thing as a tiny one, but this requirement is visible when Qin Changfeng is there.
Because Qin Changfeng’s peacock blood is very thin, but after refining the five internal organs, it contains the immortal power of the five elements and the essence of the same origin, which is more than enough to help the little one refine the five internal organs naturally.
At the beginning, Qin Changfeng practiced this skill for the first time, and he groped for the difference from beginning to end. At this time, with his help, the little one cultivated like a miracle, and it took less than six months to achieve success.
Although there is no passive ability of the original diamond scale, it has cultivated a five-element body, which can transform the five-element force and essence, and at the same time enlighten the gods and have a layer of five-element divine light.
This layer of five elements of divine light can not only resist damage, but also double the physical strength after being broken!
This magical power makes the little one more and more arrogant. Tens of thousands of fierce beasts around Shi Cun have fallen into a big mold. He and the fiend are bullying and living in fear. There is also a bandit group from a small Buddhist paradise. As a result, it was directly destroyed by these two World Wars.
When the whole Shi Cun is gradually jumping up, Qin Changfeng calls the little one and says solemnly, "You’ve been at ease for too long, and it’s time to embark on a new journey."
One-inch’s eyes are bright and his teeth are exposed. "Little master, are you going to take me home and fight for nine days?"
"Step on your head to be a stepping stone for people with your weight?"
Qin Changfeng glared at him and then said, "Remember when you patched up the Tiange Pavilion? You took the breeze there to seek truth, so don’t come back to see me until you mix up!"
"Little master, won’t you come with me?" One-inch was wronged and said, "We are still so young, so you have the heart to put me and the breeze through such a dangerous test?"
Qin Changfeng said, "Young eagles must leave their parents’ wings to really grow up, just as they were pushed off a cliff by their parents when they first learned to fly."
One-inch immediately retorted that "cheating Xiaoqing and Xiaozi is not like this!"
Seeing Qin Changfeng’s pale face, he quickly changed his tune. "What if the feathers don’t have wings and can’t fight?"
Qin Changfeng endured the convulsions in the corner of his eyes and said, "Then fall dead and get out of here!"
One-inch grievances are inexplicable.
Although his mouth is fierce, Qin Changfeng gave him a blue mysterious token before he left. When Qin Changfeng carved it himself, it could trigger Shenwei to save his life.
Chapter five hundred and sixteen Quadrupole Secret Ares Immortality
Shi Cun gradually returned to calm after the scourge of one-inch left.
It is not known what Liu Shen realized in enlightenment, but it must be the Nine-turn Heavenly Robbery Sutra and the Life Star Road.
In that story, the god crystal doubt refers to the life star soul, and before this door is born, it is very likely that if the life star soul is strengthened, it will eventually fight against the life star, which in turn will suppress it!
Although the life star can borrow its power in the mysterious tester, it is obvious that the tester can never really master it.
Life, stars and souls are the opposite. Everything is dominated by the experimenter. The birth lies in the fact that the experimenter’s body is not affected by the outside world. Life and stars are also connected by a star-ghost road, that is, the channel will be broken, so the star alliance can be completely killed
Compared with the star, the soul is the true foundation of the tester.
However, few testers will think of this step, because the idea of resisting the test tower is too crazy for them, and just moving the idea can make them feel desperate.
Therefore, many people have had such worries and unwillingness, but finally gave up the choice, forgot and prayed that what they were worried about would not happen in the face of almost no hope, danger and difficulties.
But in many things, if you choose to gamble by luck, your fate will make you lose completely in the future, because no one can be lucky forever unless you control your own destiny.
And Liu Shen is creating a method that is a key for Qin Changfeng to master his destiny!
In the following days, Qin Changfeng guarded the black Baoding and did everything. What he didn’t do with the little one was to wait for Baoding Zhu’s disgusting transformation to complete the cultivation of the four poles of the flesh through his blood.
I don’t know how many days later, Baoding suddenly burst into a beam of light, and it was so dazzling that it was like a fist running through heaven and earth. The golden monkey jumped out and landed on the edge of Baoding, squinting at Qin Changfeng with a bad look.
"What are you looking for?" Qin Changfeng made no secret of his face and sneered. The monkey didn’t know who he was after he regained his memory.
"What did you … and that kid do while I lost my memory?" The golden monkey questioned his head and there were a pair of glittering and translucent horns that gave off a soft halo.
"is this your attitude toward your host?"
Qin Changfeng took out the picture and took a picture of the iron roll Dan. He slammed it on the top of the little monkey’s forehead and made a metal collision sound.
"See clearly that the iron paper is written in gold. You have sold yourself to me and your handprint is drawn!"
The little monkey’s face turned green in an instant when he glanced at the iron on that page. He jumped into it with a violent roar, and then his body expanded rapidly. In a blink of an eye, he was as big as a hill, and his golden hair smelled like a steel needle. The golden mango in his eyes was condensed into a flame, shining and shining. The whole blood gas surged like Wang Yang from the sky like a statue of a ghost!
"No one can be my master, not in the past, not now and not in the future!"
Showing his body, he is tired of binge drinking manic audio for dozens of miles, scaring all creatures in all the barren forests to tremble. Although he is still in the realm of honour, his blood is flourishing and his body is fierce. Compared with this attack, he really has the breath of fighting and fighting, which is comparable to the gods!
It can be seen that he has gained good benefits from that celestial stone.
"Don’t talk too full …"
Qin Changfeng smiled and sat still, staring at the fierce ape, and then the blood in his left eye quickly condensed and a blood print shone behind him, and he cried out in pain as if he had been in the year.

Wind Soul said, "Please ask Mr. Shi for help. It takes paper and pen to draw that thing."

Shi Daoxuan ordered someone to take a pen and paper with a puzzled face.
The wind soul put Ling Ning at the crude stone table and asked her to draw the map.
Take this opportunity to ask Feng Soul, "Do you know Miss Lingxiu?"
The wind soul doesn’t hide that Sun Lingxiu got to know each other because of the cold and poisonous python, and after fighting with Wu Meng and other four net brothers at Taihu Lake, he briefly said things like becoming sworn brothers and sisters.
Shi Daoxuan listened silently and didn’t know whether he believed it or not.
When Feng Soul finished his teacher’s preaching, he slowly said, "In fact, Mrs. Sakura has quietly sent someone to tell me that Brother Feng will come to see me more than half a month ago. She didn’t tell me the specific reason why Brother Feng wants to see me, saying that this matter is very important. However, I waited for a long time for Brother Feng to arrive today. Was it delayed by something?"
The wind soul sighed and told him that it had been delayed for more than half a month because he was trying to forge a magic weapon on the road. As a result, he was almost killed by God Fool and Wu Luo, but he didn’t say what kind of magic weapon he was trying to forge.
When Shi Daoxuan saw that Feng Soul and Ling Ning could kill Wupeng and Wuluo, he also got away safely from the god’s fool that day. He couldn’t help but admire himself. At this time, Wupeng Wuluo and Wugu were killed by a young man and two young girls, and all the gods in the demon spirit world were searching for them. Shi Daoxuan was able to take some people to rebel against the dazzling Buddha in the dark, and he was naturally well-informed. He knew that the god’s folly also showed more respect for daring to oppose the wind soul.
The wind soul knows that it is just a fluke that it can escape from the four-armed demon.
Ling Ning handed it to Shi Daoxuan after drawing the map. Shi Daoxuan took the map and took a look at it. His face suddenly changed.
"The mysterious heaven realm of the demon spirit world has hidden secret passages that are connected with each other?" Shi Daoxuan’s hands trembled slightly.
The wind soul knows that this map is very important to him. He looks at Ling Ning and sees Ling Ning. After drawing the map, he always lowers his head and doesn’t talk.
Shi Daoxuan has asked Feng Soul, "Brother Feng knows how Miss Lingxiu got this map?"
The wind soul replied, "This map was originally the true gentleman of Xiaoyao Mountain, Xu Xun, who asked me to hand it over to Lingxiu’s sister. At that time, Lingxiu’s sister was besieged by the enemy. It was hard to know whether she would live or die. She knew that I was coming to this demon spirit world, so she gave me this map and asked me to come to you. The original map was lost in quicksand water. I can also let my female apprentice redraw it .. I also didn’t know that the original was from people."
Ling Ning looked up and took a look at Master.
"Miaoji Zhenjun Xu Xun?" The teacher announced with a sigh, "This Xu Zhenjun has a younger brother named Zeng Heng?"
The wind soul nodded. "Does Zeng Heng really know Mr. Xu Zongzhu’s twelve brothers and one division?"
Shi Daoxuan nodded, "My great brother had a conflict because of an old incident, and then he turned against his enemies and friends without knowing each other. Unfortunately, he didn’t meet again after that, and he didn’t have a chance to make friends. Anyway, I’ve heard about Xu Zhen’s name for a long time. If this map comes from him, it must be true."
Shi Daoxuan strolled a few steps with his hands full of worries. With this map, it means that he hopes to bring many suffering people out of the demon spirit world quietly, and will no longer be oppressed by the dazzling Buddha, but there are also many problems that follow. Even if the map is really to take his compatriots out unnoticed, it will never be easier. The exit is not directly to people, but is controlled by Marshal Zhenwu.
Although Feng Soul knows that Shi Daoxuan is in distress, those things have already happened to him. He said to Shi Daoxuan, "In fact, there is one more thing I want to ask the cabinet for help. I have a confidante who came to this demon spirit world the other day. The main purpose of my coming here is to find her."
Shi Daoxuan looked at him and asked, "What’s her name?"
"Wang Miao thinks!"
"Wang Miao thought?" Teacher Dao Xuan suddenly shook. "You came here to find a wonderful fairy? If you really want to find her … then you may be late! "
Shi Daoxuan told the wind soul, "Wang Miao thought that Xu Feiqiong had indeed caused trouble in the demon spirit world. In the ten witches on that day, she practiced witchcraft, refining ghosts and spirits, and gathered hundreds of demon people to slaughter. When Xu Feiqiong passed by, she suddenly stabbed the witch ceremony, and as a result, Mrs. Ying Shao and the fierce Li Sanshen caught her. It was the wonderful idea that Mrs. Ying Shao went straight into the palace that day. Although she rescued Xu Feiqiong herself, she fell and disappeared after Xu Feiqiong was injured. Although I didn’t know they would appear in the demon spirit world, they had an accident.
The wind soul was silent for a while and asked, "Where is the palace?"
Shi Daoxuan said, "I can tell you the location of the palace, but if you want to sneak in and look for Wang Miao, you will never be easy to get out of the palace. The protection is extremely strict. Even the female sacrifice, female consorts and Mongolian ambassadors around Mrs. Ying Shao also have their own magical powers. But it is not easy to be really terrible, but it is not them but a child named Xiao Fang."
"Xiao Fang?"
"That little party’s true identity is afraid that few people around Mrs. Baby Spoon know it," Shi Daoxuan said in a low voice. "Many people think that he is an important local god in the demon spirit world, but they don’t know that he is the most important assassin around Mrs. Baby Spoon. Many disgraceful things were given to the child to do. I didn’t know that the child was so terrible until the day when Wang Miao wanted to break into the palace. Others stopped her. It was this little party that made a sudden move to arrange Wang Miao to hurt me in the palace. I should look at this matter in my eyes. I found out that Baby Spoon afterwards.
The wind soul memorized the teacher’s warning.
Chapter 59 Fairy Family Sword
Most of the land in the demon spirit world is desolate, but the palace where Mrs. Chiyin’s baby spoon lives is incredibly gorgeous. Pink clouds are spread around the sky, green mountains surround Wenyushu, and trees are scattered in every corner.
The white jade palace has magnificent walls and carved with all kinds of bears birds. Behind the palace is a garden. Although it is not as beautiful as the Queen Mother Yaochi, it is also a colorful and dazzling phoenix. There are other people who can see the god beast.
The red line is now hiding in this fragmented palace.
However, the place where she stayed was the dirtiest and most chaotic miscellaneous courtyard in the whole palace. It was in a corner that was almost noticed by people, and she was also a little maid. She was doing some gardening and grass cultivation on weekdays.
The maid is also graded, and her "status" is now the most waiting kind.
The red line is miss butler, which naturally can’t be done, but now people are searching for her everywhere outside, and she has lost her flying sword. Besides following the arrangement of Xiao Fang to hide here temporarily, there is no other way. Fortunately, she is an ordinary demon girl with small lotus petals on her face, so although there are some "origins", no one suspects her.
She also wanted to sneak into the palace to look for her purple gauze sword. According to the small square analysis, God Fool will probably give the purple gauze sword to Mrs. Ying Shao as a collection. However, this palace is too big. Now she is "identity" and how can she find out what news so that she can not make a move according to her mind.
In a flash, it was more than half a month. Although no one thought that the murderer of "killing Wu Gu" would hide in the palace, she stayed here fairly safely, but she was a little impatient.
"Master will always worry about me after losing my news," she thought. "I have to find him as soon as possible."
She decided to sneak into the palace tonight. If she can find her purple sword, she will leave immediately.
She swept the fallen leaves together, and when the demon girl saw the red line stop there, she seemed to be fascinated by something and asked, "Are you homesick?"

Su Mo smiled with fierce eyes and said, "Old dog, I can kill you before I die!"

"Well, I’d like to see who can make it to the end!"
Coloured glaze palace seal man nodded and sneer at a.
Just then, an earth-shattering tiger roar suddenly came outside the ancient city, which made people feel flustered!
Suddenly, the wind roared, flying sand and stones!
Hearing this noise, Su Mo’s eyes were shocked and stared with disbelief.
In the ears of ordinary monks, the tigers are almost the same, and there is no difference.
However, Su Mo and Zeng Linghu can distinguish the difference naturally by getting along with each other day and night.
He once gave the formula of Taixulei to Linghu.
There is a thunder in the roar of the spirit!
Of course, the most obvious thing is that there will be a charming ending at the end of his whistle, and I don’t know how to get into the habit
In the dimly discernible peak, every time I hear that Linghu is so cheap and called Su Mo, I want to kick him to fly!
"Report to me slender old! There is a beast tide coming! "
A friar of the Coloured Glass Palace shouted
The ground trembled wildly.
Su Mo can feel clearly in the ancient city.
Su Mo’s mind stirred and he couldn’t help screaming in the sky.
Chapter six hundred and fifty-six Siege!
Su Moxiao resounded through the heavens and the earth and pierced the golden crack stone.
The tiger roars again, and there is a trace of excitement in the roar.
Two kinds of whistling echo each other in the middle!
"Quack quack quack!"
A burst of bohemian laughter from outside the ancient city is as harsh as Jin Ge’s strike!
When I heard this slightly weird smile, Su Mo’s mind came up with a tall figure with long hands and feet covered in his own feces and couldn’t help laughing.
They’re all alive!
Here they come!
Su Mo was overjoyed.
Since the accident in Dongling Valley, Su Mo was chased by the Blood Crow Palace, and the blood fled thousands of miles, and the monkey and the spirit tiger were far from the ethereal peak.
They have heard from each other since then.
Su Mo also wanted to look for them in the past, but there were so many clues. It was more difficult to find two monster beasts than to find a needle in a haystack.
I didn’t expect the three of them to meet again in this intermediate ancient battlefield!
clouds of dust fly up
I don’t know how many monster beasts are rushing towards this place, and the hoofs are thunderous and shocking, and the ground is irregular and violently shaking!
The vast majority of monsters are running on the ground, and smoke is rolling.
Down-to-earth can dodge with more power.
There are also some fierce birds that break through and make a loud cry!
"Give me the strength to defend the city, this Sumo, regardless of him, he can’t escape!"
Glass palace seal long old look calm quickly call the shots.