
1. **心血管健康**:稻米油是一种低胆固醇的植物油,有助于降低不健康的LDL胆固醇水平,从而减少心脏病和中风的风险。

2. **抗氧化作用**:稻米油富含抗氧化物质,如维生素E,这些成分有助于抵抗自由基的损害,减缓细胞老化过程,对维持年轻肌肤和预防慢性疾病有益。


3. **皮肤护理**:由于其轻盈质地,稻米油是护肤品的理想成分。它能保持皮肤水分平衡,减少皮肤干燥和瘙痒,使皮肤看起来更加年轻和光滑。

4. **头发健康**:稻米油可以滋养头发,使其更加柔软、有光泽,并减少头皮屑问题。它还有助于加强发根,减少断裂。

5. **抗炎作用**:稻米油中的一些成分具有抗炎特性,可以帮助减轻炎症性疾病的症状,如关节炎和炎症性肠病。

6. **高温稳定性**:稻米油具有高温稳定性,适合高温烹饪和油炸食品。它不易氧化和分解,能保持食物的口感和营养。

7. **维生素和矿物质**:稻米油不仅含有维生素E,还富含维生素K和多种重要矿物质,如镁、锰和磷,对骨骼健康、血液凝结和能量代谢都至关重要。

8. **平衡的脂肪酸比例**:稻米油被誉为“心脏油”和“青春油”,因为它含有最平衡的脂肪酸比例,有助于调节大脑神经功能,抗衰老,降低血脂。

9. **提高食品保鲜度**:稻米油烟点高,油质稳定,烹饪时产生的油烟比其他食用油少,且能减少食物中的聚合物,从而提高食品的保鲜度和保鲜时间。


10. **改善睡眠和情绪**:稻米油中的谷维素是一种强抗氧化剂,有助于调节植物神经、镇静助眠、缓解疲劳,稳定情绪,减轻焦虑及紧张状态。




1. **顺应自然规律**:
– 春天阳气上升,万物复苏,人们应顺应自然,早起早睡,保持良好的作息习惯。
– 保持心情舒畅,避免情绪波动过大,以利于身体健康。

2. **饮食调养**:
– 春季宜多吃新鲜蔬菜和水果,如香椿、春笋、韭菜、荠菜等,这些食物具有养肝、助阳、促进新陈代谢的功效。
– 适量食用辛温发散的食物,如葱、姜、蒜等,以助阳散寒。
– 避免食用生冷、油腻、酸涩的食物,以防损伤脾胃。

3. **适当运动**:
– 春季适宜进行户外活动,如散步、慢跑、太极拳等,以增强体质,提高免疫力。


– 注意运动量不宜过大,以免损伤筋骨。

4. **调整作息**:


– 春季气温逐渐升高,昼夜温差较大,早晚温差较大时要注意保暖。
– 适当增加午休时间,以补充体力,缓解疲劳。

5. **调养情志**:
– 春天是万物生长的季节,人们应保持心情愉悦,避免忧思、焦虑等不良情绪。
– 可以通过听音乐、欣赏花草、与朋友聚会等方式,调节情绪,保持心理健康。

6. **节气养生**:
– 春分时节,昼夜平分,阴阳平衡,人们应保持阴阳平衡,避免过度劳累。
– 清明时节,阳光明媚,万物生长,人们应顺应自然,亲近自然,进行户外活动,增强体质。





1. **祛风**:蕲蛇具有祛风的作用,可以用来治疗因风邪引起的各种疾病。
2. **通络**:蕲蛇能通经络,适用于治疗因经络不通引起的症状,如风湿顽痹、麻木拘挛等。


3. **止痉**:蕲蛇有止痉的功效,适用于治疗中风口眼歪斜、半身不遂、抽搐痉挛等症状。


1. **风湿顽痹**:适用于治疗风湿引起的痹痛、肢体关节酸麻、疼痛等症状。
2. **中风口眼歪斜**:用于治疗中风后口眼歪斜、面部肌肉瘫痪等症状。
3. **半身不遂**:用于治疗中风后肢体瘫痪、行动不便等症状。
4. **抽搐痉挛**:适用于治疗因神经系统疾病引起的肌肉抽搐、痉挛等症状。
5. **破伤风**:用于治疗破伤风引起的肌肉强直、痉挛等症状。
6. **麻风疥癣**:适用于治疗麻风病和疥癣等皮肤病。

1. **内服**:蕲蛇的常用剂量为3~9克,可研末吞服,一次1~1.5克,一日2~3次。
2. **外用**:蕲蛇也可用于外敷,具体用法根据病情而定。

1. 蕲蛇具有一定的毒性,使用时应在医生指导下进行。
2. 阴虚血热者应慎用蕲蛇。
3. 蕲蛇泡酒时,应按照比例调配,避免酒精摄入过量。
4. 临床应用时,可与其他药物配伍使用,如丹参、薄荷、荆芥等,以增强疗效。



1. **润肠通便**:甘蔗酒中富含纤维,有助于胃液和消化液的分泌,促进胃肠道蠕动,从而有助于调整肠道功能,对便秘有一定的缓解作用。

2. **补充营养**:甘蔗酒由甘蔗汁发酵而成,含有碳水化合物、维生素、微量元素等营养物质,适量饮用可以补充身体所需的营养。

3. **清热生津**:甘蔗味甘、性寒,归肺、胃经,具有清热、生津止渴、和胃止呕、滋阴等功效。对于口干舌燥、津液不足、小便不利、大便燥结、反胃呕吐、呃逆、高热烦渴等症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. **促进食欲**:适量饮用甘蔗酒可以刺激食欲,帮助消化。

5. **缓解疲劳**:甘蔗酒中的能量成分可以补充人体的消耗能量,有助于消除疲劳。

6. **活血化瘀**:饮用甘蔗酒被认为可以活血化瘀,有助于改善血液循环。


7. **御寒**:传统上认为,甘蔗酒具有一定的御寒作用。


8. **醒酒**:对于饮酒过量的人,适量食用甘蔗可以缓解口渴,具有一定的醒酒效果。



1. **大补元气**:独参汤的主要成分是人参,人参具有大补元气的功效,能够增强人体的生命活力,对于因元气亏损导致的虚弱症状有显著的改善作用。

2. **回阳固脱**:独参汤可以用于治疗阳气暴脱的危急症状,如面色苍白、口大渴、全身瘫软、手足逆冷、冷汗淋漓、气息微弱、脉微欲绝等,有回阳固脱的效果。

3. **养血活血**:独参汤对于产后失血过多、阳气虚浮欲脱所致的产后昏厥有急救作用,同时也能养血活血,适用于失血与疮疡溃后,气血俱虚的患者。

4. **兴奋神经系统**:人参中的有效成分能够兴奋大脑皮层,增加心肌收缩力,调整机体的病理反应,对于神经系统疾病如神经衰弱等有缓解作用。

5. **调整血压**:独参汤中的人参皂苷具有降低血压的功效,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **增强免疫力**:人参能够增强机体的防御力,提高免疫力,对于各种感染性疾病有一定的预防作用。

7. **促进健康**:独参汤对于久病虚羸、妇女崩漏等病症有一定的治疗效果,同时还能补脾益肺,适合肺虚喘咳、气短喘促、脾虚食少的患者。




1. **驱寒补阳**:狗肉性温,具有驱寒的作用,适合在寒冷的冬季食用,有助于增强人体的抗寒能力。

2. **滋阴补阳**:狗肉被认为有滋阴补阳的功效,适用于肾阳虚引起的腰膝冷痛、小便清长等症状。

3. **增强体质**:狗肉含有丰富的蛋白质,尤其是球蛋白,有助于增强机体抗病能力,提高细胞活力和器官功能。

4. **改善消化**:狗肉有温补脾胃的作用,可以改善消化系统功能,对于脾胃虚弱引起的腹胀、腹痛等症状有缓解作用。

5. **促进血液循环**:狗肉有助于促进血液循环,改善性功能,对于性欲减退等问题有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **抗酸和缓解胃肠平滑肌痉挛**:甘草在狗肉汤中起到抗酸和缓解胃肠平滑肌痉挛的作用,有助于改善胃酸过多和胃肠平滑肌痉挛引起的症状。

7. **辅助治疗疾病**:狗肉汤中含有的稀有元素对治疗心脑缺血性疾病、调整高血压有一定的益处,同时也可辅助治疗老年人的虚弱症。

8. **强筋壮骨**:狗肉中的营养成分有助于强筋壮骨,适合老年人、关节疼痛患者等需要加强骨骼健康的人群食用。




"It’s said that all the things left by Miaoxiu in the 33rd day are gone, including building houses and palaces," the second monk said in a low voice.

"Is it possible that someone has been to the thirty-third heaven to look for wonderful treasures?"
"Are you stupid? Do you want me to see the wonderful show treasure? It must be that the ancestors sneaked into the 33rd Heavenly Day after the wonderful show was transformed. They have searched it again and left nothing good. What’s more, if you want to enter the 33rd Heavenly Day, from the first-class clan doors on the first floor to the nine main doors, you can enter it if you want to. Then you must sneak into the 33rd Heavenly Day first," the monk said.
It’s not just this monk, but the whole world is in turmoil at this time. With the news that the jade show treasure is hidden in the 33-day sky, the world has once again rolled up layers of waves, and someone is constantly adding fuel to the flames.
Jade Duxiu treasure is seized by all monks in the world at all costs, and even the strong are salivating over it, hoping to keep it for themselves.
No, the medicine of death, Xuan Huang Qi, is not a precious thing.
What’s more, since Jade Duxiu refined the elixir of Death, a number of monks in heaven and earth have devoted themselves to studying the alchemy. For all the monks who are bent on studying the alchemy and want to make a breakthrough in the alchemy road, once the treasure house of Jade Duxiu is in this world, it will inevitably attract everyone to flock to it.
"What do you think of the sudden news of the wonderful show treasure house?" Sitting in the sky, fiddling with two jade beads in the opposite hand.
"There is no smoke without fire. In those days, we have been to thirty-three heavy days. All traces of Yu Duxiu have been erased, and even the palace where Miao Xiu lived has disappeared." Speaking of this, a strange light flashed in her eyes. "If Miao Xiu’s treasure is really hidden in thirty-three heavy days, it is not impossible to know thirty-three heavy days, but Yu Duxiu personally manages thirty-three heavy days. For Miao Xiu, the safest place is thirty-three heavy days, and even the grandfathers can intervene to control the place. It is under the control of Yu Duxiu.
"You mean wonderful show treasures really could be hidden in 33 days? Is now 33 heavy day has been divided up by families want to understand 33 heavy day secret to find 33 heavy heaven source its difficult also "shook his head.
"Let’s sit tight. This thing feels a little weird." I frowned and closed my eyes slowly.
"Miaoxiu Miaoxiu" on a dry day, the palm of your hand stroked the seat’s eyes, and there was a flash of mockery. "Before I was Miaoxiu, the treasure was hidden in thirty-three days, but since I knew Miaoxiu was not dead, I knew that it could not be Miaoxiu. Since the character is alive, who can find what he has hidden more than that? The root of Miaoxiu treasure is not there."
"Not necessarily, husband. Don’t be careless. Miaoxiu has always been cunning. Who knows if this is not another game designed by Yudu Duxiu?" Xi he retorted on one side.
After listening to xi he’s words, the dry day suddenly moved a bit. "Yes, it’s a wonderful show. There must be an earth-shattering conspiracy brewing. I don’t know the tip of the iceberg. I don’t know if this so-called treasure is part of the wonderful show calculation."
"Why don’t we send someone to look for 33 heavy days? Wonderful show verve will not leave too little treasure, whether it’s Xuan Huang Qi or the elixir of immortality, there should be some tricks, and you should do some real wonderful shows, even if it’s a fake treasure house, it won’t be a shell husband. If you can get a wonderful treasure house, you will certainly gain a lot, and the road to practice will be smoother. "xi he gently laughed at one side.
"Don’t worry, sit tight. Miaoxiu this fellow is too evil. He’s not so cheap. It’s a price to pay to take advantage of Miaoxiu." There was a cautious light in dry eyes.
"Wonderful show treasure house" is too Yi Dao. Grandfather Taiyi holds a colored turtle shell in his hand. At this time, it is contaminated to the surface. The color has deeply penetrated into the turtle shell. The whole turtle shell seems to have undergone a mysterious transformation, and it is more and more ethereal and unusual.
"Miaoxiu’s secret has collapsed since its death, as if it were completely erased from the heavens and the earth. Even if it is intentional speculation, it is hard to find a trace of Miaoxiu." Speaking of this, it is too easy for the godfather to close his eyes. "It is better to kill the mysterious yellow gas in Miaoxiu’s treasure house or not to kill the medicine. It is a badly needed thing."
Taiping Dao Taiping ancestor looked at Xu with an emperor’s face in his hand.
"Wonderful show!" After a long time, the ancestor of Taiping sighed a long sigh. Although he died, his every move before his death was related to the mind of the Godsworn.
Chapter 142 Third-class color names
Keeping the truth and showing the jade alone is definitely the pain of Taiping’s ancestors. Two tianjiao have different lives but the same fate. Taiping’s ancestors are heartbroken
If so many things hadn’t happened in those days, the three immortals in Taiping Road would definitely be the overlord in the heavens and the exclusive in the Terran.
"Immortal medicine, mysterious yellow gas" Taiping Godfather slowly closed his imperial map in his eyes and looked at the direction of 33 heavy days. "Wonderful jade is really good. It is that the flat peach tree came too suddenly. I don’t know anything in advance if this flat peach is left to my Taiping brother …"
Thought of here, the ancestor of Taiping suddenly felt gloomy and stroked the robe in front of him. "There is no smoke without fire. When I entered the third day, I had already gone to the building to show whether the treasure was transferred by myself or searched by people. No one can say clearly."
Huaguoshan blessed land
Since that day, everything in heaven and earth has shaken, and the eyes of the strong have gathered here. There are many strong people who will bless this Huaguo Mountain. It is always quiet and has not changed because of the previous great turmoil.
The only thing that has changed is that the aura of Huaguoshan Mountain is getting worse every day, but it is always quiet, which can make several monsters live.
I don’t know when a strange ape suddenly appeared in the monkey group near water curtain cave, and everyone was the same. It was a natural disaster in which the monkey lost from a certain monkey group and took it as a member of this monkey group.
There are also monsters in Huaguo Mountain, but this is the territory of monkeys. Some wild animals always stay away from this place, but they are also cheerful without life threat. It is a paradise.
Great changes have taken place in the heavens and the earth. Those powerful monster beasts have gone far away from home after feeling their great power. They dare not continue to live here for fear that the strong mind will bring disaster to them. Those small monster beasts are weak, and the monkeys in Huaguoshan are afraid to provoke them by dividing their territory.
It is said that the monkey will walk and jump in the mountains. On weekdays, vegetation and food will be drunk, mountain spring water will be collected, and mountain flowers will be searched for fruit trees. Wolves and insects will accompany tigers and leopards, deer friends and macaques will stay overnight in the cliff cave and swim in the mountains. Is it happy?
On this hot day, a group of monkeys spent the summer in the mountains, watching the water flowing from the high cliff and rushing through the mountain stream. A group of monkeys fell into the water like dumplings.
But I heard an old ape say, "I don’t know where this water is. We didn’t follow the waterfall along the mountain stream to find the source of the water today."
No one can see a black lotus in the old ape’s eyes at this time, and the uncertain sound is full of charm. In the eyes of the surrounding monkeys, monty dances wildly and produces confusion.
The old ape’s words fell on a group of monkeys, who cheered and dragged men and women to call their brothers and brothers to swim and run along the mountain stream. It took three hours to see the fast-flowing waterfall in front of them.
When a group of monkeys saw this waterfall, they suddenly lost their mind to continue looking for the source, and they began to play here. The old ape was not talking about finding the source. "Good water and good water turned out to be far from the foot of the mountain and directly connected to the sea. Which one has something to do to get in and find a source? We are willing to worship his king."
This is a group of monkeys applauding. They are restless and watching the waterfall fly fast. No one dares to really get in.
After shouting for three times, the old ape saw weeds jumping out of it. The ape should shout "I’ll go in, I’ll go in"
Seeing that the explosive ape suddenly squatted in print, jumped directly into the waterfall and disappeared into the sight of the monkeys, which caused several monkeys to scream and scream.
The explosion ape jumped into the waterfall and suddenly felt that the resistance of the waterfall in front of him seemed to have never been seen before. Generally, there was a quaint stone bridge hanging behind the waterfall.
Now, the explosion ape has no pre-memory, but he doesn’t know how to exert his own strength. On weekdays, he feels that his own strength is too big and his strength is too poor.
Looking at the stone bridge, there seems to be a guide calling for the explosive ape to go straight to the stone bridge without thinking.
After walking the stone bridge, I found that the water in the stone bridge rushed and poured into the stone bridge, and the upside down outflow covered the bridge door, but it seemed as if there were people here. It was really a good place.
Without hesitation, the explosive ape directly crossed the stone bridge and came to the other end of the stone bridge, only to see a stone tablet standing at the end of the stone bridge with a line of mysterious words that he didn’t know, but he just understood the meaning of those words.
"Huaguoshan blessed land water curtain cave cave"
It is a good place to walk around the stone tablet and see the pots and pans in the water curtain cave one by one. The ape couldn’t help but feel happy and turned around and crossed the waterfall again and landed on the opposite shore.
Seeing the explosion ape jumping out of the waterfall, many apes gathered around and chattered away.
"What’s it like inside?"
"Have you ever found the source of that water?"
"How deep is the water?"
When the ape heard this, he waved his hand and made a ha ha. "There is no water in it. It is a perfect place."
"How can I see a family?"
"You just come with me." The ape didn’t say much and plunged into the waterfall again.

Lin Xuanji sighed, "People who fix the truth are all immortal and don’t eat fireworks, but they don’t know that the desire to fix the truth is the strongest!"

"Fix true boundary is not a paradise fix true boundary is much more cruel than rolling the world of mortals! Cheating, killing and stealing treasures are everywhere! In order to live forever and become stronger, it is nothing to have a monk who can bite the hand that feeds him by hook or by crook. "
"Listen to me!"
Yu Junzhen suddenly roared, and the wound at the broken arm collapsed and he was so bleeding that he was unaware of it.
"He Su Mo is a demon or a dragon. Anyone in this world can shoot him but you can’t!"
Yu Junzhen pointed to more than 50,000 monks and said sternly, "Because all of you owe him your life!"
Just now, the noisy people gradually quieted down again
The guide monk whispered a Buddha’s name with his hands folded lightly, saying, "I don’t understand whether the alien is such a big right or wrong, but I know one thing. He saved all of us and almost died."
"Without him, we are all dead now, and the protoss’ hands are dead, and the Luo Cha clan’s belly is flesh and blood! I don’t know right and wrong, but I know what a grudge is! "
These words are shocking!
Some people bow their heads, some people look ashamed.
Naive Jun looked cloudy and uncertain. Seeing that something was wrong with the situation, he couldn’t stand the cold any longer. "Guide monk, don’t lie there and confuse people!"
At this time, Naive Jun is ready to make moves.
We can’t delay any longer.
The longer it takes, the worse it will be!
If we wait for the night spirit to come back, I’m afraid it’s impossible for him to escape!
Now there are more than 50,000 monks left, not monolithic, but each with his own mind. Not many people can achieve great things here in Su Mo!
"Brother Feng Lei, who dares to stop me from killing me?"
Innocent Jun’s murderous eyebrows are bright, and a series of blazing Lei Guang arcs emerge in his palm, which exudes a horrible breath!
"Protect the public!"
"Protect Brother Su!"
Read march, Lin Xuanji all directly surrounded Su Mo to form a wall in the protection.
"Hehe will be so troublesome."
Just then Su Mo suddenly chuckled, "You want my bag, I’ll give it to you."
Su Mo patted Xiao Pang’s shoulder in front and motioned for him to let him
Xiao pang asked in a low voice.
"Let it go."
Su Mo nodded and smiled.
They looked at each other, hesitated, but made way.
Su Mo slowly came out to pick the waist bag and looked at the innocent gentleman not far away and handed it over lightly. "The bag is here. Come and get it if you want."
Naijun’s pupil contracted slightly.
His divine knowledge has been explored many times in Su Mo’s body for a long time, which can confirm that this weakness of qi and blood and exhaustion of spiritual strength will definitely force him to fight again.
But what is this gesture for?
Sue ink look tired, but her face didn’t panic and looked calm.
"Hey hey!"
Naive gentleman thought a sneer at a way "big treachery, I think you want to lead me to kill again in close quarters!" You are still too young. How can you fool me with this idea? "
Actually, Su Mo’s present state will not be in any danger even if he wants to come in close quarters.
But being careful can’t go wrong!
"I will hand over the bag and you won’t dare to take it …"
Su Mo put away his smile and hung the bag around his waist again. He said coldly, "You still want my life with such courage and boldness!"
"Day I tell you one thing! Even if I am exhausted, I can kill you! "
Chapter seven hundred and fourteen Bloody
Many monks were stuck.

But in him, it seems that the whole world is here.

Yuan baby has great power after having a baby!
The laws of dzogchen Immortal Qin, The Rhythm of Everything, Three Clearances, Four Truths and One Air Hammer, are also carved in Yuan Ying!
Then there are seven Guanghua schools representing different light and magic sects, and they are carved in Yuan Ying!
Shen Yuanqi’s promotion to Yuanying means mastering the nine great powers.
Then Yuan Ying turned into a ghost behind him!
And the ghost is three points!
Turn into three shadows like a baby, like a mature man, like an old man with three changes!
This is a vision born by Yuan Yinghua.
Directly break through a big realm, and when you first enter Yuanying, you will be the first in the universe!
Then Shen Yuanqi’s baby is a step further!
The divine light is flashing and disappearing, and Shen Yuanqi Yuanying is changing the original tender appearance!
Look at the ordinary but contain all the avenues!
This is Daoying!
Shen Yuanqi, the two Mahayana masters are both stupid. Is this the aisle baby?
It is also impossible to get Daoying in the cultivation of immortals. It is a coincidence to accumulate cultivation to get Daoying in Yuanying realm!
However, the avenue has a spirit, and it doesn’t want to be discovered!
This step is the end of the step. The baby is playing, jumping and smiling in vain!
His two masters can see from a distance that even Mahayana can’t see the change just now!
Yuan infant spirits Baby God Baby Way Baby!
Finally, it seems that he had had enough of Daoying and stepped into the top of Shen Yuanqi’s head. This time, he never went to that Dantian field again and went into Shen Yuanqi’s body from Baihui point in Shen Yuanqi’s top of his head.
Then Shen Yuanji opened his eyes and saluted where Daoying was!
He laughed. This is a baby. You must win the first place in the world.
Even if it’s not the last day, the first place in the first two days, how can I have one myself!
The vision of heaven and earth appears in the whole world, like a thousand sunsets shining in the sky!
This is a vision of heaven and earth, a feeling of heaven and man, and Shen Yuanqi’s promotion to heaven and earth has changed strangely.
But Shen Yuanqi’s face was cold and shouted, "Impossible!"
His promotion to Yuanying was so powerful that his promotion still didn’t attract the opportunity of the universe. Then it was not the first!
Even his two masters find it hard to believe that their glances are full of surprise and hesitation.
Shen Yuanqi failed to quit the competition.
It can be said that he has achieved the ultimate goal of the universe, but he is not the first in the sky.
Yang Xiugen didn’t care about this news, but he still continued to transform Yuehaitianqian.
While practicing the skill of grasping the master, practicing the method of flying geese and escaping, and transforming Yuehaitian graben.

I was surprised, and the purple aura quickly protected my spiritual mansion to prevent it from spying on me. My mind was cold and I pulled out the lieutenant.

"Reality and don’t start work, worthless old man will say the cause and effect. It’s not too late for real people to take worthless old man’s life at that time." The golden body seems to feel that my aura is full and I quickly speak to stop me from displaying my thunder tactic.
"Well, let’s talk about what you are first." I took out my cigarette and lit it. The Buddha statue in the secret room has been destroyed. If you use the thunder control tactic again, it will die, and it will not be bad for a while
"Old people are born in Ying Xing, not worldly things." The Buddha statue tells the story of its origin in detail. When I listened to the story, I actually heard a cold sweat.
It turns out that this Tai Zi was formed in the Spring and Autumn Period, when in the forty-seventh year of King Zhao, the State of Qin sent four famous soldiers from the Warring States to attack the State of Zhao in Bai Qi, and defeated Zhao Junkeng with 450,000 soldiers in Changping War.
As the saying goes, "one general will succeed and ten thousand bones will dry up" is nothing to fight in ancient times, but all the people killed by Leitian gave up their resistance, and there were more than 400 thousand unarmed soldiers, so they were angry at burying their bodies for a while, and many ghosts refused to leave, which led to Changping; Gao ping; Therefore, it rains every year in the daytime.
Pu Xian, a predecessor of Buddhism, went to Changping to try to cross over this large number of murders. There were so many murders that he couldn’t cross over for a while. Many of them coincided with the relocation and burial of the dead body in Pu Xian. The real people were overjoyed and rushed to exert their magical powers with the help of the slow movement of the dead star. It took years to bring more than 400,000 murders here and seek to gradually resolve these murders with the help of Kunlun Fairy Mountain aura.
Because many murders were brought here by the old star, Ying Xing took shape, and Tai Sui Pu Xian became a real person and later became a Buddhist. When Bodhisattva Bodhisattva saw that Bodhisattva Diksitigarbha was better at crossing over the murders, she asked him for help. Bodhisattva Diksitigarbha readily promised to send his younger brothers here to chant sutras, which lasted for more than 2,000 years, and gradually calmed down a lot of resentment and rage. When it is difficult to survive, it will be accomplished, and more than 400,000 murders can be reborn again.
After listening to Tai Sui’s narrative, I frowned and remained silent for a long time. If all this Tai Sui said is true, then I will attract lightning to chop it down, which will not only destroy its way, but also release more than 400,000 murders. This hat seems a little too big. If it is not possible, I will become a sinner through the ages.
"Is this monk also sent by the Tibetan King and Bodhisattva?" I pointed my finger at Tai Sui and asked questions. I had to find out all the questions before I could decide whether to kill or stay in front of Tai Sui.
"Bodhisattva once told an old man in Song Xianping that it was difficult to bestow the golden body with scriptures. After every other armour, Jiuhuashan monk Dade would come to linger for several days to collect scriptures to help the old man control his rage." Tai sui respected this group of monks.
I’m too familiar with Jiuhuashan, as Tai Zi said. When I made a scene in the police station, the bald donkey in Jiuhuashan broke my spell. This guide was read before, and it’s also Jiuhuashan. It seems that I’ve spent a lot of time with Jiuhuashan monks.
"What’s the name of the monk who came here once?" I took out my cigarette and my lighter.
"It’s Master Hui." The traditional answer made me stiff. Hui was the guy who broke my spell in the police station before. He broke my spell just because he was wandering outside. Now it’s hard to say whether I am his opponent or not. It’s probably his brother who told me to kick it back and not tell his master.
Afterwards, I read the Buddhist books and confirmed my guess that the word generation of Buddhism is the word generation. This monk is indeed a disciple of Hui.
Thought of here, I quickly ran over and turned the mirror over, trying to gasp and breathe.
"What’s with the Buddha statue?" Wo zhi shou keng dong noodles secret room
"It is difficult for an old man to pile up the Buddha’s statue to resist the scourge according to the Buddha’s golden body." The traditional voice is slightly vibrato, and the Buddha has not lived in the age of the Buddha, so it is understandable that he did not remember the Buddha statue.
"Let me ask you again, what do you want to absorb the aura of Jian and those people outside?" I finally lit my cigarette, and I have believed three points of what the Tai Zi said. Besides, the peaceful Buddha light emitted by the previous Buddha statue is not fake.
"In two days’ time, the coming of the new year’s star will be difficult, and the thunder will come with it, and the ghosts of the old body will be moved, causing all the people outside the cave to be implicated by the koo. The master can’t bear to sit back and watch the Buddhist magical powers help me to be pure." The traditional explanation is reasonable. If it wanted to harm Bai Ying and others, it would have been hurt long ago
"Does the death of livestock and herdsmen in Qinghai, Tibet and other places have anything to do with you?" I looked up at the Buddha statue on the wall.
Tai sui hesitated when he heard my question and there was no answer from the horse.
"Say it quickly". I threw away the cigarette butts. It seems that this traditional man is hiding something from me!
"When the real person said that Qinghai and Tibet were old, they didn’t mean what they meant, but two years ago, when the fluorescence blocked the old star, the old man couldn’t restrain the ghosts in vitro, which made him rush and shed a lot of creatures in the trauma." It seems that it hesitated before because these two names were not called in ancient Qinghai and Tibet, but what it said was that the fluorescence was the ancient name of Mars, which was also blocked in the earth and Jupiter. People pay attention to the names of Yin, Yang, Five Elements and Stars, and naturally know them by heart.
"What dead people and animals are confined to the circular edge and are not affected inside or outside?" I asked for details, in fact, I already believe it in my bones.
"The old man has been practicing here for many years, and the ghosts of the body are lacking in nourishment. The sacrificial party will plunder the blood along the shadow of fluorescence. Although the old man has recovered it, it has already hurt a large number of creatures." Tai sui is another amitabha here
I looked up at the Buddha statue on the wall of the room and raised my hand to press the wrist communication device, which has been restored since the lion in den signaled the crack.
"In the section chief, what interrupted your signal for 19 minutes" came from a young woman’s voice, but it wasn’t Song Yu’s more than 200 logistics staff, and I didn’t recognize it.
"I picked it for a light physical examination." I made up a reason casually and hurried back to the topic. "You check the information of the case for me to see what is special about the location of Mars when people and animals die."
"I’ll let you know in a while." The other side terminated the contact. It seems that the ten innings do often deal with strange things, otherwise they won’t be surprised that I have problems.
I asked headquarters to help me check the location of Mars in order to make sure that this tai sui didn’t lie to me. Although it said it was reasonable, it was impossible to pretend that I had tried to suffocate here before. I was still very wary of it.
"Real people don’t blame the old body for gathering many murders. Once the old man is killed, the murders will return to the world. It is really nai to trap the real people here." Putting on the finish, the cracks are completely wider than the previous cracks
I looked at the wall of the big room and turned around and came out. Now is not the time to pretend to be bold. If this guy changes his mind again, it will be a big struggle.
It wasn’t long before my wrist shook and I pressed the call button. "Yu Kechang, we just read the information of the Observatory two years ago and found that the northern side of Mars just blocked that area at 3 pm when Qinghai Tibetan people and animals died." The logistics staff across the street paused. "Do you still want foreign information?"
"No, thank you." I ended the call.
Tai sui didn’t lie! ! !
"Take care of yourself, I have things to do," I said, and walked to the hanging fence in the cave. Now I dare not kill it if I borrow two guts, otherwise the consequences will not be like being stung twice like I did with King Kong Cannon.
"Real people please stay." The traditional voice came from behind. "In two days, the thunder will be old and lost, and it will be difficult to resist the thunder. I am afraid that these ghosts will be evil again. Please ask the real people to help me."
I just remembered that this traditional dharma body sitting in the secret room has been destroyed by Shao Yanqi and others. Without it, the dharma body can only rely on a half-dead mirror. This traditional dharma body is estimated to be run.
Tai sui saw me hesitate to speak out again. "I will never forget the kindness of the old man."
I raised my hand and interrupted it. My mind was in a mess
In two days, it will be the Double Ninth Festival. What should I do if I stay and help it?
Chapter 132 Purple gas dharma
Tai sui saw me thoughtfully silent, and I didn’t want to help it resist the apocalypse.