
1. **营养与保健功效**:
– **抗氧化作用**:山药含有丰富的维生素C和E等抗氧化成分,有助于清除体内自由基,保护细胞免受氧化损伤,维持肌肤弹性和光泽。
– **保护胃肠道**:山药中的黏液蛋白能够保护胃肠道黏膜,促进消化,预防胃炎、胃溃疡等疾病。
– **膳食纤维**:山药富含膳食纤维,有助于控制食欲,促进肠道有益菌生长,维护肠道健康,预防便秘。
– **增强免疫力**:山药中的矿物质和微量元素能够增强人体免疫力。

2. **中医理论中的功效**:
– **健脾益胃**:山药具有健脾益胃的功效,对脾胃虚弱等症状有调理作用。
– **补肾涩精**:山药被认为是一种滋阴补虚的食物,对于肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等症状有很好的缓解作用。

3. **其他神奇效用**:
– **滋养肾脏**:山药中的维生素B、维生素C、钙、铁等能够滋养肾脏,增强肾脏功能,提高人体免疫力。
– **保护消化系统**:山药中的膳食纤维能促进肠道蠕动,增加粪便的排出,预防便秘。黏液蛋白质能保护胃黏膜,减少胃酸的侵蚀,对于胃炎、胃溃疡等胃部疾病有缓解作用。
– **美容养颜**:山药中的维生素C和E具有抗氧化作用,能中和自由基,减少皮肤氧化损伤,延缓衰老。多糖物质能促进胶原蛋白的合成,增加皮肤弹性和光泽。
– **降血糖和降血脂**:山药具有降血糖和降血脂的作用,对高血压患者尤为适宜。

4. **药用价值**:
– **治疗皮肤疾病和呼吸系统疾病**:山药包含尿囊素,可以活化细胞增殖,加速溃疡愈合过程,用于治疗皮肤烧伤和其他皮肤疾病。山药汤是减轻支气管发炎、咳嗽等呼吸道疾病的良药。
– **帮助消化和改善肠道环境**:膳食纤维可以减少便秘、降低有害胆固醇含量,刺激胃平滑肌收缩,帮助养成正确的排便习惯。
– **有利于身体营养吸收**:山药中的维生素和营养物质容易被人体吸收,保护身体健康细胞所需的各种酶不被破坏。




1. **消化助益**:橄榄本身含有酸性成分,可以促进唾液和胃液等消化液的分泌,提高肠胃消化功能,对食欲不振和消化不良有很好的调理作用。醋同样能促进肠道蠕动,有助于通便。

2. **抗菌作用**:食醋中的醋酸具有一定的杀菌和抑菌能力,能够抑制多种细菌和真菌的生长,对预防食物中毒和消化道疾病有积极作用。

3. **清热解毒**:橄榄具有清热解毒的功效,对于因暑热伤津引起的症状,如心烦口渴、身热息高等,有一定的缓解作用。醋同样具有清热解毒的效果,可以帮助调节身体机能。

4. **减肥瘦身**:食用橄榄和醋都有助于去除油腻,防止脂肪在体内过量堆积,从而起到减肥瘦身的作用。


5. **缓解咽喉不适**:橄榄有生津止渴、化痰消积的作用,对于咽喉问题有很好的缓解效果。而醋的酸味也可以刺激唾液分泌,有助于缓解咽喉不适。

6. **提高睡眠质量**:睡前饮用含有橄榄醋的饮料,可能有助于改善睡眠质量,因为醋有助于促进血液循环。

7. **美容养颜**:用橄榄醋洗头可以使得头发柔顺,强健发质;同时,混合甘油使用还可以使皮肤变得细嫩。

8. **其他用途**:橄榄醋还可用作家庭清洁剂,如清洗玻璃和家具,去除衣物上的颜色或水果汁污迹等。



1. **补充能量**:黑加仑葡萄干含有丰富的葡萄糖,能够快速为身体补充能量,适合在运动后或体力劳动后食用。

2. **增强体质**:适量食用黑加仑葡萄干,有助于稳定摄入营养物质,促进身体健康,增强体质。

3. **丰富的维生素C**:黑加仑葡萄干富含维生素C,有助于提高免疫力,预防感冒,促进伤口愈合,还有美容养颜的作用。


4. **抗氧化作用**:黑加仑中含有丰富的花青素和酚类物质,具有强大的抗氧化能力,有助于清除体内的自由基,预防细胞老化。


5. **改善心血管健康**:黑加仑葡萄干中的钾和镁有助于降低血压,改善心血管健康,对预防心脏病有一定的积极作用。

6. **预防低血糖**:黑加仑葡萄干含有果糖和葡萄糖,能够迅速提升血糖水平,适合低血糖患者食用。

7. **预防高血脂**:黑加仑葡萄干中的白藜芦醇和黄酮类化合物有助于降低血液粘稠度,预防高血脂。

8. **促进消化**:黑加仑葡萄干有助于开胃,促进消化,对肠胃不适或有消化问题的人群有一定帮助。

9. **调节内分泌**:黑加仑中的Y-亚麻酸有助于增进血液循环,降低高血压,促进女性荷尔蒙的自然生长,对更年期不适症状有缓解作用。

10. **预防疾病**:黑加仑葡萄干具有一定的保健作用,如预防痛风、贫血、水肿、关节炎、风湿病、口腔和咽喉疾病、咳嗽等。

11. **保护牙齿**:黑加仑葡萄干不会破坏牙齿,反而可能对牙齿有益。



### 益处:

1. **补充营养**:芝麻粉含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、维生素E、维生素B1、B2、多种氨基酸及钙、磷、铁等微量元素,这些都是人体日常所需的营养素。

2. **延缓衰老**:芝麻粉中的维生素E具有很好的抗氧化作用,可以延缓细胞老化,对皮肤也有滋润作用。

3. **改善消化**:芝麻粉中含有丰富的油脂,有助于润肠通便,对于缓解便秘有积极作用。


4. **美发养颜**:芝麻粉中的营养成分可以滋养头发,对于防止脱发、须发早白有很好的效果。

5. **保护心脏**:芝麻粉中的亚油酸有调节胆固醇的功能,有助于保护心血管健康。


6. **增强免疫力**:芝麻粉中的营养成分可以增强人体的免疫力,有助于抵抗疾病。

7. **益寿延年**:中医认为芝麻有滋补肝肾、润养脾肺的作用,可以延年益寿。

8. **预防老年痴呆**:芝麻粉中的某些成分被认为可以预防老年痴呆,特别是对于滋补肝肾精血不足有关。

### 影响:

1. **热量摄入**:芝麻粉热量较高,过量食用可能导致体重增加。

2. **过敏反应**:部分人群可能对芝麻过敏,食用芝麻粉后可能出现过敏反应。

3. **消化不适**:对于消化系统功能较弱的人群,过量食用芝麻粉可能导致消化不适。

4. **药物相互作用**:芝麻粉中的一些成分可能会与某些药物产生相互作用,影响药物的效果。


### 建议:

– 食用芝麻粉时,应根据个人身体状况和营养需求适量食用。
– 如果有特殊健康状况或对芝麻过敏,应避免食用。
– 食用时可以加入粥、豆浆或酸奶中,既美味又营养。



1. 抗菌消炎作用:白蔹具有较强的抗菌消炎作用,能够抑制多种细菌的生长,如金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌等。在临床上,常用于治疗皮肤感染、口腔溃疡、咽炎等疾病。

2. 抗肿瘤作用:研究表明,白蔹具有抗肿瘤活性,能抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和增殖。其抗肿瘤作用可能与以下机制有关:





3. 抗氧化作用:白蔹具有抗氧化作用,能够清除体内的自由基,减轻氧化应激对细胞的损伤,从而起到保护细胞的作用。

4. 抗炎镇痛作用:白蔹具有抗炎镇痛作用,能够缓解炎症引起的疼痛。在临床上,常用于治疗风湿性关节炎、腰腿痛等疾病。

5. 保护心血管作用:白蔹具有保护心血管作用,能够降低血脂、抗血小板聚集、改善血管内皮功能等。在临床上,可用于治疗高血压、冠心病等心血管疾病。

6. 调节免疫作用:白蔹能够调节机体免疫功能,增强机体对病原微生物的抵抗力。在临床上,可用于治疗免疫性疾病,如过敏性鼻炎、银屑病等。

7. 抗病毒作用:白蔹具有一定的抗病毒作用,能够抑制病毒的生长和复制。在临床上,可用于治疗病毒性感冒、带状疱疹等疾病。



1. **营养均衡**:五谷杂粮含有丰富的膳食纤维、维生素、矿物质和微量元素,如钙、钾、铁、锌等,这些营养素对于维持人体健康至关重要。

2. **促进消化**:五谷杂粮中的膳食纤维可以增加肠道蠕动,帮助消化,预防便秘,对于维护肠道健康非常有益。

3. **降低胆固醇**:五谷杂粮中的不饱和脂肪酸和植物固醇有助于降低血液中的胆固醇,从而减少心血管疾病的风险。

4. **预防心血管疾病**:膳食纤维可以降低心血管疾病的风险,同时五谷杂粮中的某些成分,如镁,有助于调节血压。

5. **增强免疫力**:五谷杂粮中的维生素和矿物质可以增强人体免疫力,帮助抵御疾病。


6. **控制体重**:五谷杂粮的热量较低,且能增加饱腹感,有助于控制体重,对于减肥人士尤为有益。

7. **改善血糖水平**:五谷杂粮中的低血糖指数(GI)有助于稳定血糖水平,适合糖尿病患者食用。

8. **预防癌症**:五谷杂粮中的一些成分,如植物化学物质和纤维,具有抗癌作用,有助于预防某些类型的癌症。

9. **改善皮肤健康**:五谷杂粮中的维生素E和锌等营养素有助于改善皮肤健康,减少皮肤问题。

10. **调节神经系统**:五谷杂粮中的维生素B群对维持神经系统健康和正常的神经功能有重要作用。


When the Sichuan government rebelled against Fu Zhenguo, Ge once made trouble in the military headquarters of Luhuai. At present, the security management in Jiujiang Luhuai is very strict, and there will be a sentry post near the military department of the administrative department every 100 meters consisting of about six soldiers and an armed off-road vehicle.

The high-rise buildings around these key departments have also been controlled. The three-meter-high steel plate on the top floor of the rooftop is directly welded to stop the gap, so as to avoid someone occupying the commanding heights and assassinating Zhou senior cadres with guns.
In addition, the pedestrian car department at each street crossing must be strictly searched and verified. If you are idle and have nothing to do, you will have to be photographed and registered. The control here has reached a point where people can hardly breathe.
There’s no way. The situation is too tense now. If something goes wrong in any link or department, it will be cleaned up. The headquarters will definitely investigate it to the end.
But in these cases, Baojun has already mastered the Sichuan government and Chen’s military personnel in these two places, and have already found out the general action route of Xue Gang’s residence and handed it over to the floor.
In order to protect the Sichuan government, Baojun sent five extra personnel to the Jiujiang military personnel office.
Lao Yan and other five people knew they would die, but they came anyway.
Cold street stars and snowflakes are flying. Xue Gang got into the bulletproof car and looked up and said, "Let’s go."
Four cars slowly left their homes and headed for the college along the street.
The distance is about six or seven kilometers, and the car will pass by at the junction of the living area and the administrative office area. The mileage is about 200 meters. If you turn a corner, four cars will enter the college cluster area, and the control there is stricter, mainly for fear that students will be brainwashed and make any noise.
Four cars stopped for a short time near the junction street, and the head guard took out his papers.
The warning of the explosion sounded. Xue Gang was instantly blown over by the car. The front windshield shattered and the side passenger window shattered.
"The car glass is broken!"
The military personnel shouted hysterically and sat in the back seat, feeling dizzy. Xue Gang was terrified, stretched out his hand and touched his face with blood, and pushed the deformed door for the first time and climbed out of the car.
At the same time, six soldiers of the patrol post raised their guns and gathered in the direction of Xue Gang, while other sentries at four points around responded without a second after hearing the sound, and immediately rushed to the explosion site.
Xue Gang escaped and squatted behind the bulletproof car, blanched and shouted, "Sichuan people are coming to help me, help me! Kill them and don’t let them near me …! "
Yan, the old man at the street crossing, once again hit an RPG in the direction of Xue Gang with his expression beside the car.
The second explosion sounded, but fortunately, the other military personnel had a car bunker and there were not too many casualties.
But at this moment, a very shocking scene appeared.
Except for Lao Yan, four military personnel were propped up in four directions. They pulled off the fuse with explosives and ran wildly together.
These four men didn’t say a word. The target is Xue Gang
Guns went off wildly, and two of the four people were strafed by fire, and the bulletproof vests on their chests were shattered, and their noses and mouths were bleeding and they fell to the charge road.
Taking advantage of this, when the remaining two military personnel crashed into the team from behind like moths to a flame, the whole person flew into the crowd and caught Xue Gang squatting on the ground.
"No, no … I beg you …!" Xue Gang howled bitterly.
"Wang Nan, a large team member of the Special Operations Department of the Military Supervision Bureau of the Sichuan Army Command, was ordered to carry out the killing!"
"Xu Gang, a large team member of the Special Operations Department of the Military Supervision Bureau of the Sichuan Army Command, was ordered to execute the killing!"
Shouts resounded for a long time
The explosion sounded and two military personnel, Xue Gang, died together.
Fifteen seconds later, the first wave of support arrived at Lao Yan with a gun and killed two people. After that, they were shot in the head by one shot and made up for more than a dozen shots. The other two who fell to the ground first were also killed on the spot.
Five people come and five people die.
Because they are soldiers, they have to carry out orders when they know they will die.
Yes, it’s cruel and tragic, but this is the vision of peace in this era, which is generally exchanged for several people, whether it’s Sichuan government or their hostile military forces, they all have their own beliefs and beliefs. It’s hard for you to tell who is right or wrong. Maybe there is real peace before you can talk about merits and demerits.
But at the moment, Xue Gang must die for Chuanfu!
After he dies, isn’t it that everyone can defect and sell the most core military information without being punished?
Traitors must pay the price of blood, even if it is blood.
Five soldiers blew up Jiujiang and achieved revenge at the cost of their lives.
Zhongdu experimental field
Fu Zhen squinted at Meng Xi and said, "Don’t be a friend if you touch it with a straight face. Don’t farm today. My heel hurts. I’ll invite you to the life village to scoop a whore."
"You want to bribe me? Hehe! " Meng Xi was curious to deal with the earthquake. He felt that Qin Lao Hei had put him by his side. He looked at him with a swish and said with a smile, "But I’m not interested in women …"
After hearing this, Fu Zhen’s ass swished in the cool wind and some words faltered and answered, "… what do you mean? You just say you want to say … I told you that what a don’t farm … that … that I agree. "
Chapter 2321 Deadlock situation
One day later

Su Moli was scratched by the fire and several claw marks emerged. See red on the spot!

Fu heaven, yin and yang, noon, graupel, danger and danger crossed Su Mo’s throat, and a faint blood stain emerged at the throat!
Just a few inches can cut Su Mo’s head!
Long Lin’s sword cut his chest.
Suzaku gun pierced his shoulder.
Kirin feet hit Su Mo on the back and directly beat him to a staggered mouth and spit blood!
In a blink of an eye, Su Mo’s body was already stained with blood from several wounds!
The girl turned white when she saw this scene.
The girl also realized that instead of helping Su Mo, this sentence just now caused him to be hit hard and almost hit a disaster.
"I I … you you don’t panic I’ll help you!"

Chapter 21 Thousands of illusions refine treasures, Yuan Hong becomes Dan

There are more than a hundred brothers in the secret library of the Star Code. Obviously, although this magic weapon is precious, it is not something to be sealed. Everyone can make it so tightly protected, and it is already the best protection for the public.
Jiao Fei found a corner to sit instead of sensing the magic star code, but transported the too-empty robe to block his own breath. When he reached the seventh floor of refining gas, he practiced at the grass-roots level. He had not deliberately cultivated mana with him every day, but he could also run on his own. Jiao Fei stayed in the Xuan Ming policy of Dutian for seven years. Although he accumulated insufficient qi, he broke through the ninth robbery, but it was also a serious one. He still had spare capacity.
Jiao Fei thought it would take some time for Meng Kuan to gain a firm foothold in Lingxiao, so he wanted to try to break through the last heavy robbery at this point. Once he passed the last refining of the first layer, he would be able to step into the top of refining gas and could be refined into a fairy gas at any time.
If you are successful, you can ponder the realm of Yuan God.
Jiao Fei doesn’t know that if he steps into the last step, but obviously he can rush into the ninth layer of gas refining and warm state earlier, so he can ponder over more time, which is always helpful for refining Yuan Shen.
Jiao Feixiu is much taller than those who come to the secret library to practice black dragon’s disciples. His closed practice is three to five months, but he found that in the secret library, the practitioner was missing a lot of Jiao Fei, and he secretly recalled that the star code was shipped up and the tactic would be simulated. Enter the mana into that magic weapon only to find that it was mixed with a few thousand mana brands.
"This magic weapon is strange!"
Jiao Fei’s formula of changing Yuan Hong also left a brand in the Star Code.
The Celestial Code is also a joint effort of many generations of ancestors in black dragon, but because there are too many people who sacrifice and refine it, they finally make a magic weapon, Yuan Ling, which is so complicated that Jiao Fei tries to manipulate it, only to find that there are other people everywhere who interfere with the power of the Yin and Yang green bottles to display and swallow the miscellaneous mana of the Celestial Code. Most of these mana are here with the help of the Celestial Code practitioners, who keep the Yin and Yang green bottles and smoke them. The Celestial Code does not resist being taken away by Jiao Fei.
These mana were sent to the pool of Yin and Yang by the bottle of Yin and Yang Qing Hong to refine and purify the vitality of Yin and Yang. Jiao Fei also wanted to put this magic weapon in the Star Code Festival. I didn’t expect this magic weapon to send messy vitality so vigorous. Later, when the ordinary brother’s true qi brand was erased, Jiao Fei remembered those true brother’s true qi brand.
"Anyway, it has come to this point, simply don’t stop, completely refine this magic weapon. Anyway, this magic weapon is like a person who takes whatever he wants and suffers from it, and there is no ordinary magic weapon to be reserved."
Jiao Feisi felt for a moment that he wanted to refine other people’s mana. Naturally, it was the most suitable spell for demons. He injected thousands of magic spells into it, and sure enough, this magic weapon didn’t resist people at all. Jiao Fei branded all its people’s true qi. Although the black dragon School was a small faction, there were more than a hundred Jiao Fei branded it as a real brother. Every time he refined one, this magic weapon became loose, and he stayed Jiao Fei to refine this magic weapon thoroughly. That magic weapon Yuan Ling was still lazy and seemed to have no reaction.
Thousands of magic spells are not driven by Jiaofei, so they automatically jump to stay Jiaofei and want to stop it.
Jiao Fei has never seen such a magic weapon. It seems that anyone can burn the world. Which magic weapon is not free spirituality? There is no magic weapon to agree that others can suppress and refine, but the root of this is who can refine, and he doesn’t care who the owner is. Jiao Fei’s hand slipped and polluted the magic weapon Yuan Ling immediately sensed the change of the Star Code.
This Star Code is a magical piece of celestial meteorite sacrifice. There are several stars when it is not born. At first, seventeen sects in black dragon Corner got this treasure, and then it was sacrificed and refined into a multiplier. Later, an expert realized a Tao from the Star Code and refined it into a Yuan God. Later, this Star Code flowed to the hands of the black dragon Sect and became a magic weapon for people.
It is this star code that has been refined by thousands of people, and the Yuan spirit is also in a daze. Without a magic weapon, it should have a spiritual spirit.
On that day, when Yuan Ling, a magic weapon of the Star Code, was polluted by a thousand magic spells, it was like when Xu finished refining the sword into an external incarnation of the second yuan God. Generally, a thousand magic spells replaced Yuan Ling, a magic weapon of the Star Code, and became this magic weapon. This change was unexpected for another person. Unlike the complicated roots of the Seven Burning Boundaries, black dragon Corner was not created to refine the external incarnation of the second yuan God.
This magic weapon has been passed by many people, and no one has officially owned it, so it was left to Jiao Fei.
However, when the thousand magic spells replaced the original magic weapon Yuan Ling in the Star Code, it became this magic weapon, and this magic weapon spirituality was revived from the beginning. The huge and boulder-like shape suddenly changed dramatically into a dark square with silver stars on the front, and the iron plate Jiaofei handled it. This magic weapon fell into the bottle of Yin and Yang, and the bottle of Yin and Yang changed dramatically.
The original Yuan Mi tactic of refining qi into a state of death was fed back by a thousand magic spells. The vitality rose and Jiao Fei rose layer by layer, and the Yuan Mi tactic always controlled the magic spell. But now, when a thousand magic spells were sacrificed, it seems to prove that the incarnation of the second Yuan God has generally achieved the state of mind and evil. This magical power is too tough to live, and the Yuan Mi tactic has been raised to a higher level.
Yuan Mi’s talisman conjures up the mainland’s soul figures, including the shape sword, and condenses into a colorful and suffocating Yuan Dan.
Suddenly, the Star Code is gone, and they are still practicing here. Those black dragon disciples are all at a loss. Jiao Fei’s refining magic weapon is very secret. These people’s mana is too low to detect Jiao Fei. It is also some snigger. "I didn’t expect that my own Tianhe teachings have not yet been refined, but the Yuan Hong tactic proved the second Yuan God first, but this mana seems to be weird for my longevity."
Jiao Fei received the Star Code and didn’t want to stay in this secret library for a long time, so he went to look for Elder Ye Cangwu to see this matter. If he fiddled with him and left the secret library, he would see that his head was flying in twos and threes, all of which were directed at one direction. Jiao Fei briefly sensed and noticed that there seemed to be tens of thousands of people gathering in the direction. "This must be what black dragon sent, so it was so lively. I want to see what it was."
Jiao Fei’s identity now is Ye Cangwu’s private arrangement, and a nine-generation grandson named Ye Xuan is far away.
Now that you have promised Ye Cangwu Jiao Fei, you have simulated the Star Code. This time, he didn’t even implement the Star Code. The large array of stars on Sunday just received a magic weapon because of the bottle of Yin and Yang. These three spells are that the Star Code has its own Jiao Fei. When you raise your hand, there will be a Milky Way flying all the way from the soles of your feet to that place.
Ye Cangwu is sitting on the high table at the moment. It is a huge square. There are dozens of brothers who are catching the fight, but they are surrounded by two elders of the Yi Mu Sect. If you can distinguish them, you can see that there are black dragon brothers and Yi Mu brothers in the fight.
An elder surnamed Sun from the Yimu Sect laughed. "Now the Yimu Sect has lost its talent and taught the real people unfortunately. If there is no new palm to teach us Zuo Bi’s two-seat three-faction alliance, we must not preside over this new palm to teach. It must be a young talent and a mediocre person. Can we be responsible for reviving black dragon?" Brother Ye Daoxiong, don’t you think so? "
Ye Cangwu said lightly, "This time, I was suddenly caught off guard, but I still lost two Taoist friends’ sense of honor. Only then did I organize two true brothers to come and win this palm teaching position, so the selected talents must be unparalleled figures, which can make black dragon send a group of decadent achievements into a new atmosphere."
At Ye Cangwu’s glance, the two elders of Yimu Sect didn’t know whether his words were true or not, but they were confident that they had been able to grasp the overall situation. black dragon Sect’s true brother was far less than that of Yimu Sect, and there were not many outstanding people. They didn’t believe Ye Cangwu. What else can I do?
Elder Sun thought in his heart, "I don’t know who is the hand of black dragon Sect’s palm Sect suddenly. It is reasonable to say that he wants to prolong his life by 20 or 30 years, but it must be cheaper for us, such as the Ebony Sect, to accept the strength of the black dragon Sect, and the Yunlong Sect will be included in our door sooner or later. Besides Tianchen Sect, our Ebony Sect will become another one that can unify a star Sect and combine the strength of the three factions. After hundreds of years of accumulation, I am afraid it can also stabilize the top five factions in black dragon Corner."
Ye Cangwu saw Jiao Fei stepping far away from the Milky Way and suddenly his eyes lit up, and then he was lazy and silent, and his mouth quietly burst into a smile, which made him more indifferent to the struggle in the field.
Jiao Fei saw these people fighting against the light, and he was surprised that even the Ebony Sect was there and asked a female brother around him, "I don’t know what happened to this school sister?" I saw a lot of people coming here as soon as I got out? Brother Pai fights with the brothers of the Yimu Sect? "
Chapter 22 Starlight a kind of dragon lock
Seeing that Jiao Fei was a stranger, the female brother patiently explained to him that "the number of true disciples of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the Sect of the
This female brother thought that her heart was angry and she became louder. Immediately, a Taoist priest with a tall and straight figure came to drink low since the beginning of the year, saying, "Don’t make noise since the selection of Zhang Jiao!"
Seeing this man’s cold eyes, the female brother dared not say anything for a moment. Jiao Fei glanced at this man’s color and mana fluctuation and deliberately shouted, "This is a matter. Even if I make noise, I don’t need to send a brother to control it."
The young Taoist priest with a feather coat and a star crown immediately shouted angrily, "If you can’t complain to your elder Ye, if you dare to make noise again, I will take you out."
JiaoFei ha ha a smile suddenly gas high drink a way "ebony sent friends so run we black dragon sent to bully people? Why should I speak in my own sect and ask you to send someone to take care of it? "
This statement shocked Jiao Fei when he appeared. He refined gas and Dan Cheng simulated it with Yuan Fei’s tactic, and it was heard at every drink.
Jiao Fei’s understanding of the cause and effect of this incident has also been understood. Ye Cangwu will choose himself because he has already faced a dead end. Look at this scene now. The Ebony Sect has actually occupied the general trend in black dragon. Seventy percent of the people who have been repaired by Dan Chengxiu are the Ebony Sect. Think of the Ebony Sect. There are hundreds of black dragon Sect’s refining gas. Dan Chengdi is less than 30 Ye Cangwu’s previous meaning makes Jiao Fei well aware.
Black dragon School is really at the critical moment of its demise. Ye Cangwu would rather send black dragon School to the origin without Jiaofei than swallow this inheritance to the Ebony School, which has been oppressing them.
How much contempt does Jiao Fei have in his eyes? Staring at the feathered star crown and Ebony Patty seems to feel that his family has become the focus of attention.
Elder Sun of Yimu Sect laughed. "Why didn’t I know there was such a true brother in your Sect?"
Ye Cangwu said lightly, "This is my grandson Ye Xuan, who has been separated for several generations. When he was a child, he was a little exuberant. I was afraid that he would learn magic and do something at random, so he was sent to Red Mars for penance. Even I haven’t seen him for decades, so I didn’t come back to see this old man recently, so several Taoist friends didn’t know." Another elder named Nan Yuan God, hey hey, smiled. "It’s not as good as your senior brothers to see him just refining Qi and Dan!"
A few elders naturally ignore these things, but some people can’t bear it.
A teenager who has been meditating outside with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes and drank a "Don’t talk too much nonsense, Teacher Yu. It is important to capture him first and then send him to Elder Ye for punishment."
The younger brother of the feathered star crown got the advice of the senior brother in the door. Hey, but a big hand is a dragon flying out of this dragon. Immediately after taxiing, it swells to more than ten feet, and its huge claws are very hard to catch Jiao Fei’s head. If Jiao Fei is careless and doesn’t cast spells, this move is enough to scratch Jiao Fei’s head.
Jiao Fei frowned slightly. This recruit was a sneak attack at black dragon Point, but it was really nothing for him who came from the seven-burn world and had dozens of spells at any time without making gas refining.


Su Mo said, "Even when Ren Huang was born in ancient times, there were not many emperors in heaven. Others made it look and dignified by their own strength!"
"I’ll walk again when Ren Huang has walked."
The old man said thoughtfully, "What are your plans? I’ll try my best to help you."
"I’ll call the Terran emperors by decree later."
Su Moshen said, "If you don’t get to the emperor, please ask your predecessors to push him to perform his position. I’ll invite him myself!"
"That doesn’t need me to invite them."
Said the old man, "I still have my status, but I can’t call the Terran emperors to drive them."
"After a thousand years of famine, the five fierce families want to join hands to kill barbarians, dragons and Kun!"
"If the three fierce families destroy the Terran, it will be dangerous! Today, Wu Huang has called the ancestors of Terran emperors to come to the magical power list to discuss great things! "
Su Mo’s voice spread all over the ancient battlefield, and even in the closed room, the monks could hear it clearly.
Hearing the news, the bodhi old zu Huang people look different.
Look worried and leave for the avatar list without hesitation.
There is a slight sneer as if not heard.
Hearing this news, the monks in Kongoji have recovered from a thousand years of self-cultivation, and they can’t help sighing with a Buddhist name. "I didn’t expect that the shortage of days would just calm down for a thousand years and then set off a blood shed again."
The monks in the cloud closed together in prajna temple, and the emperor asked the monks with a worried face. "There must be something wrong with the three fierce families, otherwise the five fierce families will be afraid to start a war rashly."
Monk Yun nodded and said, "Wu Huang wouldn’t have called the Terran emperors if the situation was critical. I’m worried that this war is likely to sweep across the world!"
"Come on, let’s leave now."
Wisdom asked the monk to say something, and the monk rushed to the avatar list.
At the same time, emperors broke out all over the ancient battlefield and galloped away towards the avatar list.
The speed of the emperor’s posture soon reached the avatar list.
Wild arms are quietly waiting for the Terran emperors in the avatar list.
About ten emperors heard the news of Su Mo and came to the avatar list in an hour.
Nothing happened to most of the emperors.
"Wu Huang, what the hell is going on?"
The emperor of the overlord hall could not help but ask, "How did the five fierce families suddenly launch a big war? What happened in this?"
"Be quiet, everyone."
Su Mo sink a way "wait for the rest of the emperors to gather together and I’ll tell you about it."